Fay (29 Dec 2024)
"All the 'Normals' have Fallen Away"


Hi John and Doves,


Like everyone, I am sad that the wait continues. But, our wait is worth it. Plus, it's not for much longer. There is little time left. Remember - our LORD returns at a time that we do not expect.


Just about every 'norm' has collapsed. Trust in our governments. Trust in our media. Trust in our medical doctors and medical community. Trust in our schools and education departments. Where have all the good people gone? We had good people in these institutions to provide checks and balances. Now - those good people have been forced out by a growing, desperate evil. This world cannot survive on this much degradation and evil. We cannot lead orderly lives when everything is geared to attack humans. A massive climax is coming.


I fully believe that this orb/drone mystery is a big part of the build-up to a war in the heavens. The devil uses his earthly, useful idiots to conquer our world. Whether our governments are deceiving us or not, the visual evidence is there. This world is being prepped for something monumental.


Hang in there, Doves. We are on the home stretch.


We eagerly await You, LORD Jesus.