Dear Doves:
This <Jewish Jewels> channel reveals how Chrismukkah is very rare and special as below.Pure Olive Oil for use in the Menorah of the Temple was produced in 2014 for the first time in 2000 years as below.And there was a historic lighting ritual with produced pure oilve oil for Hanukkah 10 years ago in Jerusalem.It means that God's been asked the Bride to cleanse their temples with pure oil for 10 years and 10 means Completion.If the Charity's count is applied for this Chrismukkah, the count "5" is 12/29, "7" is 12/31 and "Jesus!" is 1/1/25.John Lawler received that there will be a big explosion when the moon is in the top of it's phase on 12/30/10.It's possible that God allows 14(Salvation) years until 12/30/24, then the Judgment could fall on the next day.If it's so, "in the top of it's phase" should be meant for a new moon.Could something bad occur during the "Crystal Ball Drop" celebration?12/31 is 50 days from 11/11 and 2 years 18(666) days from the Abomination of Biden on 12/13/22.12/31 is 390 days from the release of "Leave The World Behind" and 390 is 13x3x10.If SD occurs on 12/31, the Bride could be birthed on Tevet 1.Tevet is the month when Esther was chosen as the Queen, and the 10th and the 4th month.10 means Completion and 4 represents Door which fits to "Open Door" of Rev.3:8 and 4:1.