Elliot Hong (22 Dec 2024)
"10 Thoughts about Christmas-Hanukkah for The Birth of The Firstfruits Bride"

Dear Doves:

12/23 is 2(Separation) years 11(Judgment) days from the Abomination of Biden on 12/13/22.
23 means Death and 2x11 is 22(Double Judgment).
And 12/23 is Kislev 22.
I saw a young lady wearing a sock with the number 23 in the senior section in subway on 1/23/21.
12/23 is 47 months from 1/23/21.
If something bad happens to Biden, Kamala will be the 47th President. 
And the 1933 prophecy of Rev. William Branham will be fulfilled.
Angel left $2.34 to Vincent on 12/23 in 1993.
Since 12/23 is Kislev 22 this year, $2.34 could indicate Kislev 22, 23, 24 which are 12/23, 24, 25.

On 12/24-25, the moon will pass in front of Spica creating a lunar occultation as below.
Spica represents Man Child of Rev.12.

The opening of 5 portals by Pope on 12/24 could be a ritual to open Abyss which is connected to Rev.9:11.
"They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon"
Since this verse was related to 911 Terror, SD could occur on 12/24.
We all know "Christmas at Ground Zero" by "Weird Al" Yankovic and Obama said "I will win the War at Christmas."

My Letter "11 Reasons Why 11/11 Should Be Watched Very Closely" was posted on 11/3.
Christmas is 44 days from 11/11 and 44 means Death and Destruction, and O is the 44th President.

Although Christmas is not the real birthday of Jesus, 12/25 was the day when the wise men arrived at Bethlehem.
This tells that the Bride should go through a long journey of Faith and Patience to meet the Lord like the wise men. 

As it's written in Romans 11:30, since the Gentiles were disobedient to God, their temples were defiled.
Thus Hanukkah could be designed for the Gentiles.
1 Corinthians 3:17 suggests that God will destroy the defiled temples and it could mean to leave them in the Tribulation.
Jesus observed Hanukkah and gave a meaningful hint as it's written in John 10:27-28.
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never
perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand"
This 10:28 verse is matched with "Never again will they leave it" of Rev.3:12.
Thus it suggests that only the Church of Philadelphia will be taken during Hanukkah.

The 6th day of Hanukkah is the new moon of Tevet which was the month when Esther was chosen as the Queen.
We all know the importance of a new moon as it's written in Colossians 2:16-17.

Silva received that 10 day warning will be given and it will be 3 days(Jesus in the grave) + 7 days(Noah's Ark).
12/23, 24, 25 could be for 3 days and 12/26-1/1 could be for 7 days.
The Bride could be transformed on 12/25, then could be trained for 7 days in the ark.

On 12/26/04, nearly 240,000 people died by the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami.
Could a much bigger catastrophe occur on 12/26 as it's written in Ecclesiastes 1:9?
God said to Haggai on Kislev 24 to shake the heavens and the earth.

If the Firstfruits Bride begins to witness for 43 days(40 + 3 days darkness) from 1/1/25, it comes to 2/13/25.
2/13/25 is the Tu B'Shevat which is the new year for trees.
