Elliot Hong (15 Dec 2024)
"Super Cold Moon, Geminid Meteor Shower, Biden-Harris and No Transition of Power"

Dear Doves:

This full moon of Kislev is Super Cold Moon which is in Gemini.
Castor & Pollux were worshipped as gods of war in ancient Rome.
A big explosion "in the Top of it's phase" could indicate this full moon.
This Super Cold Moon is the 10th full moon from Shushan Purim on 3/26/24.
The Francis Scott Key bridge of Baltimore was collapsed on that day.
The movie "The Sum of All Fears" was about a nuclear explosion during the football game in Baltimore.
There was a destruction scene during the football game in "The Dark Knight Rises."
"Nessun Dorma" was used as a background music in the last scene of "The Sum of All Fears."
This aria was sung at the finale of RNC.
"Nessun Dorma" ends with a high note of "Vincero!"
Does it suggest that they will fight for the victory of their god? 
Many Luciferians gathered at the Reopening of Notre Dame to vow to fight for their god.
Amazingly, Baltimore Ravens and Giants will play at NY on this Super Cold Moon.
Could unknown drones over New Jersey be connected to a False Flag?

Geminid Meteor Shower will be peaked on this Super Cold Moon.
It could be a sign for the birth of Man Child to arise and shine as it's written in Isaiah 60:1.
Genevieve Brazel heard "Castor & Pollux" last year in late December.
The original meaning of Gemini was to marry after a long time of the engagement.
This Super Cold Moon could fit to Proverbs 7:19-20.

This message of 1/22/23 said "She will be in "for a short time" before "terribly wrong" arrives" as below. 
This message of 12/10/24 said "No Transition of Power" as below.

See you soon!