Donna Danna (29 Dec 2024)
"Church of England Says Christmas Carols 'Problematic' For Naming Jesus As The "True Messiah""

(These Church of England bishops have clearly lost their minds and faith because Jesus is the "true Messiah" which means they are part of the ranks of the Laodician Church.)

"Bishops within the Church of England have raised concerns that certain Christmas carols might be “problematic” because of their explicit references to Jesus as the “true Messiah.” The Birmingham Diocese recently communicated to its clergy the need to reassess the language used in hymns to create an “inclusive” environment during the festive season." 

"The hymns under scrutiny include “Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending,” a favorite of Queen Victoria, which has been criticized for declaring Jesus as the “true Messiah.”

"Further, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” has been singled out for its phrase “captive Israel” in the first verse. The diocese’s correspondence suggested that such language could lead to misunderstandings, particularly in the context of ongoing tensions related to the Israel-Hamas conflict."
FULL STORY at above link.