Dennis Pittenger (29 Dec 2024)
"Mathematical analysis of year/number 2025"

Dear Doves,

At the present time there is a growing body of evidence that the 70th week of Daniel will in fact commence in the fall of 2025, please consider the following:

2025 is the square of the 9th triangular number, 45, the last year on the Gregorian calendar that was the square of a triangular number was 1296 (8th triangular number 36 squared equals 1,296), the next Gregorian calendar year that will be the square of a triangular is 3025 (10th triangular number 55 squared equals 3,025), and 3025 is an even 1,000 years from 2025. So we can see, then, that years that are the square of triangular numbers are exceedingly rare, which I believe is a major marker of the year that the event we seek will take place, also note that Trump will still be "45" for the first 19.5 days of 2025.

The digit sequence 45 first occurs in Pi at the 61st index digit, 61 is the 18th prime number, and 18 is the gematria value for the Hebrew word for life, chai. The first five digits of the square root of 18 are 4.2426, and 424 is the gematria value of Messiah ben David in Hebrew, while 26 is the gematria of the name of God YHVH, or the Tetragrammaton.

On January 20th, 2025, at 12 noon Trump will become "47", 47 is the 15th prime number, 15 squared is 225, and the significant digits (digits greater than zero) of 2025 and 225 are in both cases 225, the digits 225 sum to 9, and in Biblical numerology 9 has the meaning of finality and judgement. In addition, Trump is currently 78 years old, and 7+ 8 equals 15. Also note that 78 is the 12th triangular number.

January 20 may be written as 1-20, the digit sequence 47 first occurs in Pi at the 120th index digit, 120 is the 15th triangular number, 15 squared is again 225, as discussed above.

Israel's current government began on December 29th, 2022, it is their 37th, and the digit sequence 37 first occurs in Pi at the 47th index digit. Also, in Genesis 1:1 the 3rd and 7th words have an even gematria value, also, in the first seven digits of Pi the 3rd and 7th digits are even.
Sincerely,  Dennis P