There are errors at time. The context often corrects them.
7:84 pm is 2024 hours and 784 is the current Hebrew year.
Barack Hussein Obama = 163Barack Hussein Obama II = 165Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181
The image of the "Paradise" Triangle is 216 and Obama was born on day 216, and 6 12 is day 163.
The image of 37th triangle is 703, and 7 03 was day 185 or 37+37+37+37+37 in 1776. 1776+185 = 1961 the year Obama was born.
He was born at 1924 hours or 7:24 pm. Counting 1776 and adding Judas Iscariot (149) = 1924.
1924 + Hell (37) = 1961 birth + 47 (Beast).
The image of the 163rd triangle is 486—684 backward. 6:84 pm is 7:24 pm, 1924 hours.
God * Jesus 26*74 = 1924 and 1924 + God + Jesus = 2024.
Revelation = 121, and Judas Iscariot (149) in reverse. 1:21 pm is 1321 hours, the 216th prime. Day 216, 6*6*6, and Judas Iscariot (149) remains.
666 is the prime range of 121
The verse Revelation 13:18 is the only NT verse mentioning 666. 13*18 = 234 and 234+ = 666.
The verse is 175 verses from the end it sums to 1924 in reverse.
17 5 is day 137 or Washington DC. Day 137, United States of America remains. (228)
22 8 is day 13*18
228+137 = 73+73+73+73+73 and 7 3 1776 was July 4th.
Revelation 13:18 is NT verse 7782
7*7*8*2 = 784, 7:84 pm is 2024 hours. 2024 = (God + Jesus) = 1924.
1+924 = 529 backward, 5 29 is day 149, 216 days remain.
7+7+8+2 = 24, and 24 is 42 backward. The 42nd prime is 181, and Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181
42+784 backward = 529
509 - 328 = 181 or Barack Hussein Obama ii
328 = Jesus Christ + God + Holy Spirit
328 = Barack Hussein Obama + Barack Hussein Obama II 163+165
666-328 = 157
328 - 157 the 37th prime = Barry Soetoro (171)
1:71 = 2:11 and 2 11 is day 42 and the 42nd prime is Barack Hussein Obama ii (181)
666-157 = 509 or 163+165+181
Day 157 is 6 6 and Sixty-six = 149 (Judas Iscariot)
14 9 is day 257 the 55th prime and Satan = 55,and Judas = 55
Genesis 25 7 is verse 666, the subject is 175
Verse 175 from the end is Revelation 13:18 the last NT verse mentioning 666.
17 5 is day 137 (Washington DC) the United States of America remains (228)
22 8 is day 13*18 and 13*18 = 234, 234+234 backward = 666
Day 234 (22 8) and 131 days remain.
131 minutes = 2:11
2 11 is day 42, and 181 is the 42nd prime
211 is the 47th prime
Forty-seven = 149
Beast = 47
47+74 = 121 and 1:21 is 1321 hours the 216th minute, day 216, 6*6*6 and 149 days remain.
3:28 pm is 1528 hours, and 328 = Jesus Christ + God + Holy Spirit
1528-724 = 804 and 8 04 is day 216, 149 days remain.
1+528 = 529 and 5 29 is day 149, 216 days remain.
Revelation 13:18, 1*3*1*8 = 42 backward. 181 is the 42nd prime and 42+24 = 66. Sixty-six = 149.
6 6 is day 157. 666-157 = 509 or 181+163+165
1+3+1+8 = 13, and 31st prime is 127
127+181 = 308 and 3:08 pm is 1508 hours. 1+508 = 509
Counting 181 to 127 = Satan (55)
Beast = 47, 4 7 is day 97, and the 97th prime is 509
181-127) Jesus Christ = 205 and day 205 is 7 24. Obama was born at 7:24 pm and verse sums to 1924 in reverse
1924 hours is 7:24 pm
181+127 = 308 and 308 - Jesus = 13*18
509 + Judas Iscariot (149) = 859 backward and flipped. 859 is the 149th prime
The Final Word 2221
2221-8131 = 165 backward and flipped. Barack Hussein Obama II
2221 is 10:21 hours
1021 is the 172nd prime and day 172 is 21 6, 6 12 is day 163. Barack Hussein Obama = 163, born day 216
The 181st prime is 1087
1087-666 = 421. 4 21 pm is 1621 hours. 1621 is the 257th prime.
4 21 is day Hell + Hell + Hell and 254 days remain
Day 254 is 9 11
25 4 is 4 25, 524 backward or 163+361
Day 216 + 38 = day 254, 9 11
163 is the 38th prime and Death = 38 and thirty-eight = 149
14 9 is day 257 and the 257th prime is 1621. 1621 hours is 4:21 pm
Day 109 2025
1/509 = a repeating decimal of 508 numbers.
Those numbers to 2286 and 2286-2105 = 181
2105 hours is 9:05 pm or 509 backward
DAY 109 ! ! !
1/109 =009174311926605504587155963302752293577981651376146788990825688073394495412844036697247706422018348623853211This string repeats forever. It begins and or ends with 211 the beast primeThese sum to 486 the image of the 163rd triangle684 backward. 6:84 is 7:24109 is the 29th prime and 29 is God backward and upside down509+Beast (47) = 556. Between 556 and 666 is 109Between 109 and 157 is the Beast (47)666-157 = 509666+Barry Soetoro (171) = 738 backward or 6+66+6661:71 is 2:11 and 211 is the beast prime 472 11 is day 42, the 42nd prime is 181, Barack Hussein Obama ii109 + Washington DC + United States of America = 474 or 101+373 the 26th and 74th primes328 - 109 = 612 backward and flipped. 6 12 is day 163 (Barack Hussein Obama)328 = Jesus Christ + Holy Spirit + God109-Jesus = 35 and the 35th prime = Judas Iscariot (149)One hundred forty-nine = 13*1813*18 is 234 and day 234 is 22 8Between 228 and 109 is 118, and 1:18 pm is 1318 hoursUnited States of America = 228, day 228 and Washington DC remains (137)Counting Washington DC (137) to day 109 = 247 and 24 7 is 7 24. 7:24 pm is 1924 hoursCounting day 109, 257 days remainGenesis 25 7 is verse 666 the subject is 175 and 17 5 is day 137 (Washington DC)1260-509 = 157 backward509+157 = 6661260 - The Final Word backward 2221 = 38The 38th prime is 163The Final Word = 31,102 verses. Prime range 33503350+533 = 38831260-383 = 877Jesus Christ = 151 and the 151st prime is 877Jesus is The Final WordJesus is the final word = 1587Standard Gematria1587 is 4:27 pm 7 24 backwardBetween 1587 and 793 = 793 or Barack Hussein Obama, Standard Gematria793 backward + 427 = 8248:24 pm is 2024 hoursBetween 2024 and 2809 is 7842809 = 1405 to the whole1405 hours is 2:05 pmDay 205 is 7:242+809 is 118 backward. 1:18 pm is 1318 hours. Rev 1318 sums to 1924 in reverse. 1924 hours is 7:24 pm and 7 24 is day 2052809-1961 = 848 and 8 4 is day 216, Obama was born day 216, at 7 24 in 19612809 hours is 1 day 4 hours and 9 minutes1440+240+9 = 1689 minutes1689 hours is 5:29. 5 29 is day 149 (Judas Iscariot)Counting 1087 to 529 backward = 1631087 is the 181st prime163+181+165 = 509The 165th prime is 977Between 1087 and 977 is 109977+1087+ the 163rd prime 967 = 30313031 = 6:31 clock time1831 hours2024-1831 = 163 upside down3031 - 1321 the 216th prime = Barry Soetoro backwardCounting 3101 to 3101 backward = 17291729 hours is 5:29 pm6:31? 391 minutes. 391 = 163 backward and flipped391-163 = United States of America361+391 = 257 backward, the Satan prime361+391+149 = 109 backward. 14 9 is day 257Counting day 109, 257 days remainTik TokDavid E