328 = 151+151+26
God = 26Holy Spirit = 151Jesus Christ = 151
The 328th prime is 2203
The last chapter and verse is 22:21
2221-2203 = 4424 and 4+424 = 824 backward. 8:24 pm is 2024 hours
4424 converted to clock time:
4424-2400 = 2024
2024 = 8:24 pm
824 - 793 backward = 724 backward
7:24 pm Obama was born
824-724 = God + Jesus
824 + Holy Spirit = 975
9:75 pm is 1015 hours
1015-509 = 509 upside down
2221-1015 =1206 and 12 06 is day 163
2221 hours is 10:21 pm
1021-1015 = 6
6000 years is the end of the story
The 6th prime is 13
The 6th triangle is 21
1321 is the 216th prime
3:28 pm is 1528 hours
1528-509 = 1019
1019 is the 171st prime
Barry Soetoro = 171
1528-1418 = 37+73
1418 hours is 2:18 pm
218 = Satan + Barack Hussein Obama
Counting 1528 to 1924 = 793 backward
1924 hours is 7:24 pm
Barack Hussein Obama = 163Barack Hussein Obama II =165Barack Hussein Obama ii =181
181+163+165 = 509
328+181 = 509
163+165 = 328
784-509 backwards = 121
784-666 = 118
1:18 pm is 1318 hours
Rev 13:18 sums to 1924 in reverse
784-509 upside down = 1260 upside down
Counting 784 to 224 = 165 backward
7:84 pm is 1924 hours
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. = 528, 825 backward. 8:25 pm is 2025 hours
Rev 22:21
823+528 = 1351. 823 is 328 backward
328 = 151+151+26Holy Spirit =151God = 26Jesus = 151
1351 hours is 1:51 pm
Jesus Christ + Paradise (73) = 2024 n0 0,
2+024 = God (26)
Jesus Christ = 151
2221 hours is 80,460 seconds
6,408 backward
The 509th prime before 6,408 = 2161!
6,408 is not prime, but the next prime is 6421
6+421 = 724 backward
2+161 = 163
Barack Hussein Obama = 163 and was born on day 7:24
163+724 = 887
And Judas Iscariot = 887 when Barack Hussein Obama = 793