David E (29 Dec 2024)
"The Final Word 2221"


Chapter 22 verse 21


9:81 pm is 2221 hours

Counting 981 to 981 backward = 793

Barack Hussein Obama = 793 when Judas Iscariot = 887

981-877 backward = 163 upside down

Barack Hussein Obama = 163 when Judas Iscariot = 149

981 backward - 163 = God (26)

Counting 981 to 258 = 724

Obama was born at 7:24 pm

2:58 pm is 1458 hours

Barry Soetoro = 1458 when Judas Iscariot = 887

Counting 981 to 328 backwards = 159

15 9 is day 258

328 = 151+151+26

God = 26
Jesus Christ = 151
Holy Spirit = 151

2221 hours is 10:21

3:28 is 1528 hours

1021+1528 = 2549

2549-2400 = 149 and Judas Iscariot = 149 when Barack Hussein Obama = 163

1:49 pm is 1349 hours

1528-1349 = 179

1:79 is 2:19 or 6 12 upside and reversed.  6 12 is day 163

219 = 73+73+73

9:71 = 2211 hours, and 2211 is the 66th triangle

Sixty-six = 149 when Judas Iscariot = 149

6 6 is day 157 the 37th prime

The 37th prime + 73rd prime = 163+361

The 172nd prime is 1021 and 10:21 pm is 2221 hours

Day 172 is 21 6, 6 12 backward and 6 12 is day 163

Obama was born on day 216.

172 is 37*73 backward, no 0

17 2 is day 84 backward.  8 4 is day 216 and Judas Iscariot remains

2*2*2*1 = 8 and 2+2+2+1 = 7

78 and Jesus is 78 from God

78+87 = 165

Barack Hussein Obama II = 165

God * Jesus = 1924 and Obama was born at 1924 hours

1+924 = 529 backward and 5 29 is day 149, 216 days remain

31102 verses and 31102 is prime range 3350

The 3350th prime is 31091, 19013 backward

19013 is the 2161st prime and the sum of the first seven prime orders of Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew.

2+161 = 163

2161 is the 326th prime and 216+37+73 = day 326

31091?  If 172 is 37*73 = 172 backward no 0


3+191 = 194  19 4 day 109

Backward then, 1+913 = 9 14 day 257, 14 9.

257 is the 55th prime and Satan = 55 when Judas = 55

3191-2221 backward = 1969

1969 hours = 7:69 pm, 967 backward the 163rd prime

7:69 is 2009 hours,  and Obama became president in 2009

The 509th prime before 3191 is 172 backward and day 172 is 21 6

Obama was born day 21 6 and 6 12 is day 163

Barack Hussein Obama = 163
Barack Hussein Obama II = 165
Barack Hussein Obama ii =181

181+165+163 = 509 and 509 is 506 flipped, the 666th minute of the day is 5:06

2221-2028 = 163 upside down

31102 is prime range 3350

3350+533  = 3883

163 is the 38th prime

38+83 = 121

1:21 pm is 1321 hours

1321 is the 216th prime

666 is the prime range of 121

Counting 2221 to 109 backward (4 19)  = 1321

Counting 109 to 901 = 793

Barack Hussein Obama = 793 when Barry Soetoro = 1458

Counting 1458 to 666 = 793

Day 109 is a proposed day to start the 1260-day count.  It ends 9 30 2028.   Steve Wilkin is a Dove and I learned about 109 from him.  

1260 is 6 21 backward, day 172

109 is the 29th prime

109*29 = 3161

3161 is 1913 backward and upside down. 19013 is the 2,161st prime

3161 converted to clock time:  3161-2400 = 761

7:61 = 1961 hours

Obama was born in 1961

19 61?   1619 hours is 4 19 pm

4 19 is day 109

1916 hours is 7:16 pm

716 is 617 backward.   6:17 pm is 1776 hours

1776 + 185 = 1961

Day 185 is 7 4

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