151+151+26 = 328
328th prime is 2203
2+203 = 205
= 3031
3+031 = 34
205 - 34 = 171
Barry Soetoro = 171
Barack Hussein Obama = 163Barack Hussein Obama II = 165Barack Hussein Obama ii =181
The 163rd prime is 967Then 977, and 1087
967+977+1087 = 3031
My error was 3+031 = 33
And the 33rd prime is 137
Washington DC = 137
God = 26Jesus Christ = 151Holy Spirit = 151
Then backward
3031 is 1303
1+303 = 304
2203 is 3022
3+022 = 25
Counting 328 to 304 is 25
Day 205 is 7 24
7 24 pm Barry Soetoro (171) was born
171-137 = 34!
When we get so close to 2161 the 326th prime we need to pay attention.
2203-2161 = 42
The 42nd prime is 181
Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181
Official spelling on BC
328+181 = 509
509 = 163+165+181
2+161 = 163
326+327+328 = 981
9:81 = 2221 hours
2221 is the last word
981-724 = 257 the 55th prime
Satan = 55
God is the last word
981+2221 = 3202!
3+202 = 205
2221-981 = 421 backward
4 21 pm is 1621 hours
1621 is the 257th prime
2221 - 981 backward = 2302 backward
2+302 = 304
Then backward
2+32 = 34
304+34+328 = 666!
304+34+171= 509!
304+34+181 = 519
9 15 is day 258
Barry Soetoro = 1458 when Barack Hussein Obama = 793.
1458 hours is 2 58 pm
304+34-Judas Iscariot (149)
= 981 backward
9:81 = 2221 hours
3:28 pm is 1528 hours
1+528 = 5295 29 is day 149 and 216 days remain8+251 = 259529+259 = 887 backward
Judas Iscariot = 887 when Barack Hussein Obama = 793
887-724 = 163
Barack Hussein Obama = 163 when Judas Iscariot = 149
Obama was born 7 24 pm
259 = 7×37
Day 259 is 9 16
9 15 is day 259 too
9 15 is day 258
2 58 pm is 1458 hours
Barry Soetoro = 1458
When Judas Iscariot = 887
Day 259?
9 16, 619 backward
619 = 163+216+149+91
Day 91 is April Fools Day, Judas Iscariot Birthday by tradition
Barack Hussein Obama = 163 when Judas Iscariot = 149, Obama was born day 216
216 is 6 12 backward, day 163
Day 216, 149 days remain
14 9 is day 257 the 55th prime
Satan = 55 and Judas = 55
216+612 =828
Counting 828 to 666 = 163
8:28 pm is 2028 hours
Any questions
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