2024 and 784
7:84 pm is 2024 hours
4:87 pm is 5:27 1727 hours
1727+2024 = 3751 hours
3751 = 1 day and 13 hours and 51 minutes
1351 hours is 1:51 pm
Jesus Christ = 151
37*73 = 2701 and counting 1351 to 2701 = 1351
784-509 = 275
905-784 = 121
509 = 163+165+181
Barack Hussein Obama = 163Barack Hussein Obama II = 165Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181
1:21 pm is 1321 hours and 1321 is the 216th prime. Obama was born on day 216
666-(275+216) = 175
Revelation 13:18 is verse 175 from the end
216+275+967 = 1458 and 967 is the 163rd prime
Barry Soetoro = 1458 when Barack Hussein Obama = 793 and Judas Iscariot = 887
887-724 = 163
7:24 pm Obama was born
275+216-328 = 163
328 = 151+151+26
God = 26Holy Spirit = 151Jesus Christ = 151
151+151 = 203 backward
1:63 is 2:03
328+181 = 509
163+165 = 328
748+328 = 2111 backward
2111 hours is 9:11 pm
The 509th prime before 2111 is -1163
Steven Dunham = 1163 when Barack Hussein Obama = 793
Steven Dunham is aka Barry, aka Barack
1458-1163 = 295 and 29 5 is day 149 with 216 days remaining
Judas Iscariot = 149 when Steven Dunham =146
14 6 is day 165 and Barack Hussein Obama II = 165 when Steven Dunham = 146
Steven Dunham in reverse ordinal = 178
1:78 is 2:18 pm
218 = Satan + Barack Hussein Obama when Steven Dunham = 146
2111-793 = 1318!
793 minutes is 1:13 pm
2111-(666+666+666) = 113
2111-(666+666) = 977 backward
977 is the 165th prime
God * Jesus = 1924, Obama was born 1924 hours
God = 26 and Jesus = 74, the 26th prime is 101 and the 74th is 373
373+101 = 474
163 is 967165 is 977181 is 1087
Summed = 509 and 3031
5:09 pm is 1709 hours
3031+1709 = 474 backward
163 is the 38th181 is the 42165 is the 38th prime range
Sum = 118
1:18 pm is 1318 hours
1318 is the prime range of 214
21 4 is 4 21 and 4:21 pm is 1621 hours
1621 is the 257th prime and 257 is the 55th prime, then Satan = 55
1621 is 4 21 pm and 4 21 is day Hell+Hell+Hell
4 21 is also day 112, 211 backward the 47th prime
Beast = 47 and forty-seven = 149 and 14 9 is day 257
2 11 is day 47
47+74 = 121 and 1:21 pm is 1321 hours, the 216th prime. Day 216, Judas Iscariot remains
911 day 254 and Hell + Hell + Hell days remained
25 4 is 4 25 163+361 backward
216 + 38 = day 254
163 is the 38th prime
Thirty-eight = 149
Death = 38
38+83 = 121
666 is the prime range 121
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