Hello John and Doves,Add this info to the other Doves letter today: "Russian Military Warning US Again And Does This Warning Have Something To Do With These Drones?"This article reported on the 2018 EcoHealth Alliance's (EHA) proposal to DARPA to "deploy aerosolized immune modulators, chimeric spike proteins, and/or self-spreading vaccines via drones, potentially over humans." In a proposal named DEFUSE.Leaked documents that Congress now has show that EHA planned on "vaccinating wild bats using aerosolised viruses.." They proposed using a "novel automated aerosolization system". And "aerosolization via prototype sprayers.
DRASTIC investigating team releases leaked documents about gain-of-function coronavirus research – CHANGING TIMES
These sprayers can easily be attached to drones.Is this just coincidental with the Russian military's warnings and the sudden drone invasion in the N.E. - around D.C.. and the upcoming January 6 and January 20 dates? Using drones to spread 'aerosols' is not new. Agricultural drones spray chemicals on crops. And the Russian military found documents and drones in the U.S. bioweapons labs they secured in Ukraine. The documents showed use of the drones to spread bioweapons. And there was a U.S. patent document for an unmanned aerial vehicle 'to spread pathogens via equipment for spraying, canisters to hold the pathogen mixture, etc.'THEY will do anything to stop President Trump and take away the power/control THEY have accumulated over the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations.Drone Spraying and Operation DEFUSE:"Was the Covid-19 pandemic a premeditated operation involving aerosolized bioweapons deployed on unsuspecting populations?"Whistleblowers have come forward and testified to Congress about this proposal. And there has been an "unprecedented drone funding surge: A 26% spike in military drone funding in 2019 aligns with DEFUSE's timeline and its drone-based aerosol delivery technologies...""The alignment of DEFUSE, DARPA and drone advancements reveals an unsettling intersection of gain-of-function research, bioweaponized delivery systems and self-spreading vaccines."
Drones Spray 'Self-Spreading' COVID-19 Vaccine for 'Large-Area Inoculation of Humans' in 'DEFUSE' EcoHealth/DARPA ProjectEcoHealth Alliance has been involved in engineering "Covid", gain-of-function, and the Wuhan Lab. It's funding was recently pulled by NIH - because EcoHealth 'got caught' - and NIH, CDC, HHS should all be included with EcoHealth - they aren't innocent in this plandemic.
DOJ secretly investigated EcoHealth Alliance over COVID lab leak questions, House report reveals
The U.S. military et al aren't working on bioweapons just to use on Russians...I think they have plans for Americans too. THEY hate MAGA and President Trump. All of those bioweapons labs in Africa (formerly in Ukraine) have a purpose and future use by the globalists/elites/cabal.For bioweapon effectiveness: There are things to consider - how long until an infected person shows symptoms (the incubation period)? When is the infected person infectious? How long until the symptoms or 'effectiveness of the weapon' are maximized (the severity of symptoms)? How long will the person be ill, how long until death? How will this spread - skin-to-skin, respiratory, contaminated surfaces? How many people will potentially be infected by one person? (the transmission rate or reproduction number. That's the 'R0' or 'r0' reproduction number for spread of the disease - how many secondary infections are caused, on the average, by each primary case. Ex. r1 means one infected person will infect one other person; and r11 means one infected person will infect 11 people. Measles is r15; smallpox is r5; chickenpox is r11. The higher the r number the higher the risk of an epidemic/pandemic.)If the incubation period is two weeks (plenty of time to travel, go to work, go to the grocery store, etc) and during that time the person can spread the pathogen...then there will be plenty of time and opportunities to spread the bioweapon during that two weeks.This is just speculation. Since the drone mystery is remaining a mystery - with no help from the Feds. There are numerous 'theories' out there from alien invasion, to the drones carry a radiological payload or a bioweapon payload for dispersal at a specific time, to they are searching for something - like a missing nuke or nuclear suitcase, to they are information gathering for an enemy like China, Russia, Iran, to they are 'legal and lawful' nothing to see here, move on. Take your pick.I see something nefarious with these - because they appeared during this 'most dangerous time' for America - after the elections that President Trump won - before he is sworn in. And the White House, FAA, Pentagon have been giving stupid answers to governors, mayors, the public. And when police and sheriff departments are getting involved and they are reporting on these large drones and they want answers. And nothing has come out about any drone broadcasting identifying information - that is required to fly/per FAA rules. And they are required to have lights on all the time. So, they are NOT 'legal and lawful' as John Kirby, the Pentagon and others in the government are telling us. All of this is fueling conspiracy theories, speculation, curiosity, fear."Drones over .55 lbs in weight need to be registered in order to legally fly them. Newer drones are equipped with remote ID that stores information, including the registration and where the drone took off from and this information is public knowledge. The FAA has access to the information but you can also find it on drone tracking apps. Drones are also required to have lights on at all times, another rule these supposed drones are breaking."
Safety, Rules and Regulations to flying drones
The government isn't leaving much room for much else - not an adversary, not the U.S., what's left? People don't like being gas-lite. Drones are being reported across the U.S. It started over two Royal Air Force Bases in England. And there are reports coming in from all over the world. Australia, China, Russia, Europe - all over the world of drones or objects that look like drones. The government seems unable to provide a simple explanation of what these are. They must know more. People want answers.
(742) Drone sightings reported around the world | Morning in America - YouTube
run time 4:50The drone sightings are falling off. No explanations still. No idea who the operators are or where they are from. NJ Sheriff is perplexed with the drone activity - the drones are actively avoiding contact.
(742) Drone sightings drop, but few answers exist | Morning in America - YouTube
run time 2:20And Senator Schumer's bill to track drones, to "conduct drone detection" and "coordinate with federal law enforcement" was blocked Wednesday. Senator Rand Paul blocked the bill stating "it's not clear there's an urgent threat." (wow)"Ocean County authorities used tethered drones to monitor mystery drones". The Sheriff's grounded drone "captured video of one unknown object. We had something coming at us, and as it's coming at us, it stops, you know, does like a 180 in the air, and then drives away, and then comes back and does like a giant U around us. So that's, that's not normal for an aircraft. It's definitely something that whatever we're seeing, we can't figure out what it is."And we still have New Year's celebrations around the world ahead of us. Will something happen then? I keep thinking back to the Chinese balloon and how the White House and Dod just rolled over....Something wicked this way comes?
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance