Hello John and Doves,The 'rumors' about the drones continue...because the U.S. government isn't telling the American people the truth. Something is going on, and the public (that's paying attention) knows it's not good.This former FBI Special Agent, John D'Souza (twenty-five years of experience working Counter-Terrorism and Paranormal cases), was a guest on Redacted Youtube channel. He predicted a fake UFO invasion a year ago when Clayton interviewed him back then. And he's back now to talk about the 'drone invasion' that is happening now.Interview with John D'Souza:(my notes)John thinks there is a large scale destruction event coming. He's calling these SUV size drones, Large Super weapon Drones (LSDs). These drones are weapons. These are not U.S. or Deep State drones. Biden is obeying the people who are sending in these drones. Our military has been told to stand down. He believes the people have to be educated about what is happening so they can respond properly.John talked about Cliff High's 'alien invasion' prediction in 2009. This prediction was about this drone invasion that is happening now. Cliff predicted a "UFO/drone melee/war beginning 39 days after the Trump-Rogan interview is analyzed in this podcast..." This is "playing out today with the increase in drone sightings and the prospect it will soon become a shooting war involving drones, UFOs, military jets....." (This interview took place on October 25, 2024; 39 days takes us to December 3, 2024.)Webbot software brought this prediction to Cliff. He doesn't predict events; this program looks at what people are saying in the future. On December 3, there would be UFO wars in the sky. Shortly after Dec 3, this started with the drones. So he was off by a bit.John talked about 'God will send a strong delusion so they should believe a lie'. Chuck Missler said this had to do with a 'staged alien event'.Clayton asked, 'Is this a large scale staged alien event? These are being seen all over the country. Some are accelerating at incredible speeds'. John said "yes".Werner von Braun, in the 1970s, predicted the 'cabal' would need to have several world wide conflicts to control the nations. Communism vs the free world. (The Cold War.) Then there would be an Islamic war vs the West (War on Terrorism). The 'last card' prediction is the cabal's last card - this would be a staged alien invasion. A fake UFO threat from outer space. Then a buildup of military forces. The military industrial complex would use this excuse. Then the staged alien false invasion would happen. This would unite the world behind the 'cabal'/elites.Clayton said that the NWO has written about needing something huge to happen to bring the people into their control.What about this mass casualty event? John said it could be a slow kill. Mass kill over a long period of time. Like the last pandemic. Kill people slowly in large scale, people don't notice it. Other industries have helped with this...like the medical industry. Not a huge one time mass kill. But a slow kill - like a dirty bomb. Dying by radiation poisoning.John is involved in a network of people in the 'intelligence' structure - FBI and others. 'We share rumors and raw data.' His people take rumors and attempt to corroborate these.John's had predictions given in his book "The Extra-Dimensionals", said we'd change from calling them UFOs to 'plasmids'. Clayton said that's exactly what's happening now. John believes the real UFOs are 'a live' ("a living creature, sentient, intelligent but also programmable like a computer") - they can read auras ("able to read the auras and emotions of living creatures, especially humans"), they do 'soul printing' ("able to record, collect and store a blueprint of a human soul for later reference"), they are mobile ("able to move through physical or non-physical media and even able to dematerialize"), they are aerial (most likely in the air then it wishes to be seen by as many humans as possible"), and they are 'scanners' ("constantly roving to carry out their programming - to collect soul-prints of as many "interested" humans as possible.")The main part of his book, the central thesis, is alien visitors and UFOs are not physical. They can retain physicality for short periods of times. He gives the examples of the 'aliens' at the Florida mall a couple of years ago. They were seen, then they disappeared. They can't hold physicality for very long.The cabal is creating copies of the real UFOs and the real plasmids.Clayton asked who is doing this? To put in place One World Government or martial law? If there is an 'invasion' - the president is pushed aside for NORAD to take over. John said, "absolutely". They are working with the cabal. The cabal goal is to stop the inauguration of Donald Trump. That's why we are seeing all of these drones.Look at a map of the East Coast - New Jersey is the saturation point for these drones, orbs and plasmids - but these orbs are showing up all over the world. NJ is central to several other states that are controlled by the cabal. THEY have shut down people's ability to shut down these drones. Washington, D.C. is the ultimate target. This is a war action. They have established a beach head in NJ - they will ultimately saturate D.C. and then destroy it.John Kirby came out with the most insane statement: He said 'we've examined this and our assessment is that these drones are legal and lawful. Upon review the sightings are mostly man operated. There is no evidence of foreign involvement.' Kirby basically was saying if you shoot at these, you'll be in big trouble.John D. doesn't think these could be shot down, but he thinks radiation could be released if they are brought down. Kirby doesn't want these drones to be interfered with. John D. thinks they contain radiation. We don't know how they are powered. Kirby doesn't want them to release this radiation until its ready - it's not time to expose their purpose. John D. referring to long term damage due to radiation releases via drones - slow mass kill.Some 80 nuclear warheads vanished from Ukraine. Also there are missing suitcase nukes. THEY are planting these stories - like 'the drones are doing good things'. Thus rumors of sniffing for nukes. We have nuclear teams in Dept of Energy, FBI, etc. they go to where these are - find the nuclear materials and remove it...and none of these teams have not been activated. So this is a lie. No nuke-sniffing drones.These are large super weapon drones - with many abilities. We know we are looking at them - as all their lights shut off and then disappear....mayors and others have mentioned this. There is video of tracer rounds being fired at a drone. He thinks this drone had some sort of invisible shield, protecting it. There was no damage as the drone continued to fly off. These drones are incredibly powerful. And orbs and plasmids accompany these.He talked about another prediction of radiological attacks and permanent lockdowns and medical mandates. The MSM will help spread fear. Clayton mentioned the sham masks during Covid. John said the radiation will be real. The aliens won't be. The MSM will show people with radiation burns - 'so you must obey lockdowns'...people will obey.He also talked about Dr. Steven Greer - Greer said this has been a plan from the cabal that is happening right now. He said these are not U.S. drones. False disclosure and a false flag.Clayton asked who made the drones, plasmids and orbs - John said Congressmen have said these were made by 'skunk works', raytheon, DARPA, etc - they copied these from alien technology - reversed engineering. Reverse engineering was confirmed by Congress this year. These companies are doing this for the cabal, not for the U.S.Clayton said so many people have been predicting the same things.Clayton mentioned another person told him that in the weeks after the election there would be a fake alien invasion.Clayton asked how do we prepare? He doesn't see this going away. Unless we all call BS on this.John said he's a big movie buff. "Star Wars" Episode 2, in 2002, where 100,000 clones are an army, that obey one man. The cabal is using these drones that follow orders. This is their army that is being used against us. They are using it to stop Trump from being inaugurated. This is the 'big why' they are doing this.They don't want Trump in office. Trump has thrown a wrench in 'their works' - like Agenda 2030.John talked about Gordon Chang (China expert) who said we have to look at the spy balloon crisis - Biden admin is following the same protocols now. He said this is from a collection of America's enemies all working together to do this - he's referring to the cabal.Ashton Forbes is a plasmid technology expert. (There is an interview coming up on Redacted in a week with Forbes.) He said our intelligence tech has been able to create plasmids and orbs. He said these are ours.We are facing LSDs, orbs and plasmids.What To Do?Stay away from these LSDs. They could be radioactive. Stay away from the plasmids and orbs - they are man made. They appear to be able to shape-shift - like to fixed wing aircraft, UAPs. Stay away from the inauguration. Don't listen to anything the U.S. govt tells you. Listen to Donald Trump. Maybe Trump will have an alternate site for the inauguration.Clayton said multiple other people have predicted this and the date too - this is not a conspiracy theory - this is actually happening. "This next month will be one of the craziest in American history" - up until the inauguration, January 20th.
(742) Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion (one year later) | Redacted - YouTube
run time 57:59Some Thoughts:I do agree that the U.S. military has been told to stand down.And I'm remembering this verse in The Revelation: "And there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven....he was cast out into the earth; and his angels were cast out with him....Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Rev. 12:7 - 12.Satan can read the Bible too - he knows exactly how many days he has.As for the '39 days melee' prophecy - the news started getting hot and heavy with lots of people out looking and taking video of these 'drones' - starting late November through early December and then the NOTAMs took place. Did the webbots pick up this 'chatter' during this time frame?December 3 was the 39 days after the interview. So what happened then? John said the main goal of the cabal is to stop President Trump from being inaugurated. It was reported on December 3, 2024. "A cluster of large drones spotted flying over central New Jersey - including near a military base and President-elect Donald Trump's Bedminster golf course - has sparked a federal investigation as well as new flight restrictions for the region."
'Cluster of large drones' spotted near Trump's NJ golf course
I've written before about D.C. possibly being Babylon - destroyed in one hour. Do the LSDs do this? God can use man and man-made things to fulfill His will.Prophecy Watchers had a couple of recent shows on their Youtube channel. I took notes on those if you want to see what their perspective is on this. Gary Stearman saw a UFO when he was flying his plane - and he had several hours of missing time. He's seen a UFO up close. He knows there is something out there. See my other Doves letter for more info on his perspective.Some 20 days left to inauguration day - anything can happen.Keep looking up! Not for drones, but for the return of the Son of God!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance