Hello John and Doves,
It's well known that China's drone technology is way more advanced than that of the U.S. And China is embedded in our critical infrastructure, our universities, our corporations, our government, our farmland...And powerful people in our government are 'beholden' to the CCP.The Chinese/CCP have bought up land/farmland in America - very near to U.S. military bases. The map in the following Youtube video shows where Chinese owned land is in relation to 19 U.S. military installations. And now, drones have been spotted near 17 of those military bases. The U.S. government response to this has been 'passive'.The New York Post had a December 18 article about 17 of 19 military bases, with nearby Chinese-owned land, that have had recent reports of drones flying near by.And Fox Business on December 18, with Maria Bartiromo, was about recent drone sightings near our bases - these are probably Chinese; and Gordon Chang said China is gearing up to attack us from within.Forbes Breaking News also interviewed Gordon Chang; he said if China is behind these drones then we have to assume that we are close to war.Hal Turner reported that personal radiation detectors have been alerting in the five NYC buroughs.Add this news to Governor Hochul sending in around 250 more National Guard to the already 750 National Guard and Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police to guard the subways/train stations. Is this for 'holiday' crime or something else??And I wrote a bit about a dream Pastor Dana had in 2020. I see these as prophetic, and he rarely gives a year in his dreams.NYC has many radiation detectors through out the city - they are very sensitive. They can pick up a person on a bus driving by that had radiation treatments for cancer - yes - they are that sensitive. IF NYC is targeted with tactical/suitcase nukes - will this be the destruction of 'Babylon'?Still nothing of any value from the White House, FAA or DoD about the many, many drones.The FAA has banned drones from several NJ towns now..the ban is in effect until January 17, 2025. We'll see if there are sightings still in these areas.The New York Post on December 18: Drones Spotted Near 17 Military Bases Next to Chinese-Owned Farmland:
"At least 17 military bases adjacent to Chinese-owned farmland across the US have experienced a rash of drone sightings in recent weeks...Mysterious drones have been reported near military bases in Hawaii and by installations in Utah, California, Maine and Florida - among other facilities scattered throughout the country.""The Post previously identified 19 military bases that lie in close proximity to farmland bought up by the Chinese-owned companies - a situation that has worried China analysts, who feared the Communist country would use the land to spy on US military operations.""All of those facilities apart from Grand Forks Air Base in North Dakota and Joint Base San Antonio-Camp Bullis in Texas had reports of drones either attempting to fly over their bases or nearby, according to local reports.""It comes as residents in New York and New Jersey have reported thousands of sightings of unexplained mystery drones in the night skies....House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) said Tuesday he believes some of the unidentified drones are 'spy drones' from China." He believes the drones over our bases/near our bases belong to the CCP.Drones were reported in recent days over Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton - "between December 9 and December 15 there were six instances of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) seen entering the airspace over Camp Pendleton."Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio shut down its air space for several hours last week because of 'unmanned aerial systems'Drones were seen some 24 miles from Norfolk Naval Station near Virginia Beach.UASs were seen just recently in December over Picatinny Arsenal and Naval Weapons Station Earle (New Jersey).Morgan Lerette, former contractor for Blackwater said the Chinese are using their farmland to spy on U.S. military capabilities, movements and technology - "to better understand how to transition their military from a defensive strategy to an expeditionary one."Fox Business News on December 18: "We're Going to Get Hit, China Experts Warns of Attack on US Soil:On Fox Business on December 18, Maria noted that Michael McCaul, of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, warned that these recent drone sightings over our military installations are most likely coming from China/CCP. They've been buying up land near military bases. This is very consistent with their policy over the last couple of years. Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville said that we are buying drones from China. They have better technology than the U.S. And Gordon Chang, Gatestone Institute senior, said the majority of these drones are more than likely Chinese. They are preparing to attack the U.S. from American soil. We are going to get hit and we aren't protecting our bases or the American public. China has added over 100 nuclear warheads to its stockpile just this year. No response from the Biden-Harris administration to the growing aggression from China.Maria asked why aren't they shooting these drones down? Chang said that base commanders don't have the authority or the equipment to shoot down these drones. The Chinese see this. They see this U.S. vulnerability. China is building up its arsenal to use as coercion to keep us from responding to their future attacks on Taiwan, the Philippines, whatever....There are Chinese Police Stations in the U.S. - these are being allowed. Chang said that some of the recent drones may be Chinese and those that are not Chinese are U.S. government drones - because they are quite large. They are not hobbyist drones.What is the federal government doing with such a large operation in the skies over New Jersey? Until the Biden administration tell us the truth, we can only speculate. As President Trump said, the federal government knows what is happening in the skies over New jersey - but it's not telling us. Chang said, and if it's not telling us, the story can not be good. The story can be ominous or whatever, but it's not good.Maria brought up that China is rapidly expanding its nuclear forces according to the Pentagon - it has increased its operational nuclear warhead arsenal 20% in a year. This is for coercion, not deterrence..China will threaten everyone with nuclear weapons if they don't do what the Chinese want them to do.
‘WE’RE GOING TO GET HIT’: China expert warns of attack on US soil - YouTube
run time 7:57Forbes Breaking News on December 18: "We Have to Assume That We Are Close To War": Expert Warns If China Is Behind US Drone Sightings:Forbes Breaking News interviewed Gordon Chang also. This was from December 18.Gordon said that we don't know if China is behind the drones. BUT, if they are, we have to assume that we are close to war. This shows an arrogance and boldness. As with the balloon - this was very brazen. Shows they can do what they want. China's leader talks about going to war all the time and is preparing the Chinese people. He is prepared to kill Americans. Biden needs to talk to the American people. His job is to protect the American people. If these drones are foreign, we are being attacked.If this is true, Americans need to prepare to be on their own for a while. The government would be unable to take care of the people for some time. We could end up fighting an enemy on our soil. We have disturbing indications of preparations for attacks on American installations - this has been going on for months. Our government has not talked to us about this. Our government hasn't protected our infrastructure and military bases adequately. This is a very precarious situation. We think we are living in peace, but we are not. China talks about going to war and is preparing to go to war. China is waging proxy wars around the world. We know China is behind some of the attacks on American installations. We have to assume this will occur. A greater than 50% chance.run time 5:09The New York Post article mentioned the over 5,000 reports of drone sightings since November that were sent to the FBI: "The FBI, FAA, Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security have all tried to downplay concerns, and said in a joint statement Monday there was little reason for citizens to worry." As Chang said, IF these drones are our government's - the story behind these can't be good.Just like the Chinese spy balloon was allowed to fly over our military installations and top secret bases, silos, etc...these UASs/drones are being allowed to fly over New Jersey and the other states - and just like with the balloon, the Biden administration, the Biden DoD, the Biden FAA, the Biden DHS, have been told to stand down?I just had an odd thought - what IF the Biden administration has already been threatened by China (I shudder to think about the number of people in our government being blackmailed or bought by the CCP) - what if China has said 'let us fly our drones over your military bases, your infrastructure, etc - where ever we want - and we won't nuke NYC'. What if?? What IF, we are looking for such a nuke now?Look at this Chinese drone swarm technology - what if each of these had bombs, grenades, vials of bioweapons or canisters of chemical weapons and were launched over a city in the U.S.? Wouldn't even have to be a nuke.
Chinese Drone Swarm Technology #military #airforce #aviation - YouTubePastor Dana's December/January Dream:As we are in the month of December, I am reminded of Pastor Dana's dream about a December calendar page. I don't recall him giving a year - he has given very few years in his dreams. The year of the dream was 2020. In this dream he saw the calendar of December and the calendar of January. He saw long food lines. He saw ships in ports - idle. There were no Christmas lights or holiday decorations/signs. He saw people in their homes, in their coats, peeking out behind curtains. No lights. Apprehensive, confused as to what was going on. The electric grid was damaged - as lights across the U.S. were flickering.An very interesting part of this dream was where he saw men in expensive business suits, wearing expensive watches. Standing under the St. Louis Arch. He thought the suitcases might be nuclear suitcases. Their watch alarms went off at the same time and they hurried off to get into black SUVs and drive off across the country.(end notes of dream)Someone could take out our infrastructure and then set off tactical nukes in various cities. Because we don't know what those drones are doing or whose they are (we have not been told about IDs being emitted from the drones - that's a federal FAA requirement - this would tell them whose they are)...So our government must know who these belong to and what they are doing - with and without ID....and some of the drones could be ours, knowing tactical nukes/suitcase nukes have been brought in - from the Atlantic into NJ, NY, CT, etc. and are sniffing for radiation.Personal Radiation Detectors:To add to the 'suspense' - Hal Turner is reporting "Personal Radiation Detectors owned by private citizens have begun alerting in the five boroughs of New York City. Hal shows a New Yorker with video of his radiation meter. Hal said this comes days after he had seven confidential sources in the NYPD alert him to drone sightings around NYC, NJ - and the Feds were looking for a weapon of mass destruction. The rumor is that a device is going to be used in the NYC area during Christmas/New Year holidays.
Hal Turner Radio Show - RADIATION DETECTORS **ALERTING** IN NEW YORK CITY; Governor Deploys Most National Guard since 9-11NYC has radiation detectors all over the city. Along with radiation detection mobile units. Not seeing anything odd being reported...yet.
"Report claims the Geiger Counter World Map recorded radiation levels of around 200 counts per minute (CPM) in the past week in the New York and New Jersey metro area. One area of the Bronx appeared to clock a radiation reading of 1048 CPM, prompting concern about what caused the radiation increase...according to the Radiation Network, anything between 5 and 60 CPM is considered relatively normal...The map, at the time of this article, ..."Didn't display any ongoing increases in radiation, with levels generally siting below 30 CPM."
Radiation levels spike in New York spark conspiracy theory involving nearby drones spotting | The Standard
Here's a world radiation map: just fyi.
Geiger Counter World Map
Add to this news: Governor Hochul is adding another 250 members of the NY National Guard "to be deployed to Joint Task Force - Empire Shield." To an already approximately 750 National Guard members and Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police brought in in March, 2024. There are some 15,396 security cameras already in place."Joint Task Force Empire Shield is...partly responsible for the military defense of New York City, primarily the deterrence and prevention of internal security threats.Is this just for holiday crime or something more?
Virginia State Police is reporting over 150 drone sightings in Virginia this month. The Virginia Governor said "Clearly there is something going on."
VSP: Over 150 drone sightings reported in Virginia - YouTuberun time 2:33Fort Worth people are also reporting more and more drone sightings...The drone mystery continues....IF Gordon Chang is right - brace yourself!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance