Chance (22 Dec 2024)
"Mystery Drones - Several Interviews and Videos"

Hello John and Doves,
In this letter I wrote about interviews - one on NewsNation with three witnesses (and video) and another with is Luis Elizondo (former director of Pentagon Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program - he was a 'whistleblower' for Congress and UAPs) on Reality Check.  And a third with Mondo Gonzales (Prophecy Watchers) on A Minute To Midnite interview. 
Everyone is saying that the way the federal government is handling this is a disaster.  You can't say they are not a national security threat and not a public safety threat and then say we don't know what they are, who's they are or what they are doing.  Especially when military bases are being shut down!  And this has been going on for years really.  Drones were seen over Colorado and Nebraska several years ago - the FBI got involved.  Nothing ever came of this; nothing was reported.  The government is denying these are theirs.  Not DHS, Not FAA, Not DoD, Not Dept of Energy.  
Either the government is lying because the truth will cause mass panic, or it's a big secret black ops project or ?  or the government is really incompetent/stupid etc. etc.
In this letter, I included info on how to tell the difference between a drone or airplane at night.  For those who are looking to see if there are drones in their skies.
And I have a link to the FAAs NOTAMs and TFRs - you can see where they are.
This really is a bizarre mystery that many believe the government can clear up.
Three Eyewitnesses to Drones, NewsNation:
This NewsNation interview from early this week has three eyewitnesses to drones.  They all three work for NewsNation and were there to share their experiences.  They were each located in a different state - NJ, PA and TN.  I believe all on the same nights.
These three witnesses are NewsNation's own reporter, Rich McHugh, and  two of NewsNation's frequent contributors -  forensic psychologist Katherine Ramsland and body language expert Scott Rouse.
Rich McHugh is a New Jersey journalist - he was very skeptical of these drone sightings.  He was out with Ocean City Drone Unit - and didn't see any drones.  But on his way home, he got a tip that drones were out in his neighborhood.  So he hurried to the area and saw drones - he got his photographer to come too. They have amazing video.  Over the next two hours they saw dozens and dozens of these things - they looked like nothing he had ever seen before. He questioned even calling them a 'drone'.  He said they looked like fixed wing aircraft - multiple blinking lights.  They didn't look like planes.  They moved differently than planes.  He said we need answers as to what these are.
Rich said they almost looked U or V shaped and they made no sound - they were about 200 feet above them.  He's never seen these before in his community.  He said, 'these are flying over our houses'.  They started to die off about 1130 PM.  Munitions depot, Earle (Naval Weapons Station), is about a mile and a half a way - they've reported these things and said they'd take action if needed.  He said these sightings were 'surreal'.
Dr. Ramsland lives in eastern Pennsylvania and she saw drones too.  She was texting friends that were also seeing them.  She said they looked very much like what Rich's video shows.  They were not planes - flying too low and turning too fast with odd spiral movements and no noise.  She saw more the second night.
Scott Rouse is in Tennessee - his didn't look like what the other two saw.  His are round with rings spinning around them.  He saw 30 all together.  He has video too.  He's positive these are not planes.  There was no sound at all.
Rich said the Ocean County Sheriff told him about one of his officers on the beach - he saw 50 drones come inland off the ocean.  They called the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard said 13 were following them.  Rich said there has been no federal response.  Rich said he hopes these are man-made, like a secret military operation.  Testing for lapses in security - he hopes that's it.  If it's not our military, it's worse.
Dr. Ramsland said she's frustrated with the government response - you can't say you don't know what it is and also say it's not a threat.  It could be a future threat.  They could be gathering intel to use against us in the future.  Why can't they call this a national security threat and latch on to one of these.
Mystery drones: ‘Banfield’ experts spot craft in three states | Banfield - YouTube
run time 13:59
Lue Elizondo Interview with Ross Coulthart:
There are two types of drones - rotary wing and fixed wing - and some of these don't fit either type.  Some are showing 'instant acceleration', some are showing hypersonic speed, some are showing erratic movement, some have been seen coming out of the ocean....They are not afraid to be seen at night.  This administration is handling this very poorly.  1) They know and they are lying.  Or 2) They are incompetent.  Either one is very bad.  Elizondo said the incoming administration really wants to get to the bottom of this.  Nothing this current government says is believed any more - even if they told the truth, nobody would believe it.  We don't need to be paranoid - we need to be prepared.
Lue Elizondo on NJ Drone Mystery: We don't need paranoia, 'we need to be prepared' | Reality Check - YouTube
run time about 26 minutes for interview with Elizondo.
Mondo Gonzales/Prophecy Watchers - Mysterious Drones and Project Blue Beam:
All the major networks are covering this - along with police departments, sheriff offices, lots of private citizens taking videos.  Mondo doesn't think it's demons.  He's been told it's not 'us'.  Then we've been told it's Chinese, Iranian...We know that Iran sent drones towards Israel - the IDF shot down these drones.  The Pentagon said we don't know, it's under investigation - 'we won't shoot it down because it's over populated areas' - Israel will shoot them down no matter what.  He thinks the U.S. military is 100% behind this.  The military is not shooting these down - this is very telling.  Israeli jets fly after the drones and take them out.  Yet, our military won't do this.  He's skeptical that's this is an alien invasion. Dr. Steven Greer believes in aliens - black ops have been planning a fake alien invasion to get more funding.  Mondo was thinking this could be experimental to get money for following up with drones.  Drones have gone over nuclear sites (like UFOs) - to push an agenda?  
Could be preparations for war because we are close to WW3.  Does it involve DARPA?  It's very widespread in the U.S. and the U.K. and Germany.  "It's really weird."  Is it Russia doing reconnaissance?   Mondo said there is no way we would let in hundreds of drones without a single jet going up.  But Biden allowed a balloon to go over the U.S., but that's different from hundreds of drones every day.  In this case, Mondo thinks it's a rehearsal of some sort...there has been no harm, no public landings.  Lies from the government, definitely.
What if some are real drones and some aren't?  Some look like drones, some look like lights.  Maybe Project Bluebeam?  Secret military/black ops operation or exercise?  And it's on going for weeks now.  This is odd.  And nothing is changing.  They are still investigating.   Stop lying to us.  Things aren't adding up.  
Someone told Mondo that this is going to build up to something big by Jan 20.  It wouldn't surprise Mondo - as many of Trump's candidates are going to go after Deep State stuff.  Two assassination attempts, maybe more to come.  They don't want him in office - will this result in a BIG event to stop Trump?  They've tried to get rid of him for 8 years.  We don't really know who is in control as Congress seems to know nothing and can do nothing.  
What about the nephilim?  The end will be like the days of Noah.  There will be much evil.  And in Noah's day there was a supernatural incursion creating hybrids.  We don't really know how nephilim will be involved in the end times.  In Isaiah 13, it says God will bring giants/nephilim to accomplish His wrath.  This is in the Septuagint version.  And demonic hordes come out on the Earth like locust during the Tribulation.  Are these nephilim?  The coming deception has to be really good for people to be deceived and deluded - to follow the Antichrist.  Deuteronomy 13:  watch out for false prophets that lead people astray.  Be aware - the deception could be a test.  False signs and wonders to lead to other gods.
 Mysterious Drones and Project Blue Beam | Mondo Gonzales - YouTube
run time 44:04
Is It a Plane or a Drone or ?:
Drones are suppose to have red and green navigational or position lights - they are required to be on at night.  Anti-collision lights are red or white and often include a blinking light or a strobe light.  And must be visible from 3 miles a way.  Airplanes have one red light on the left wing and one green light on the right wing. And white light on the tail or wingtips oriented backward.
Are Drones Required to Have Lights? (Explained for Beginners) - Droneblog

Why Are Airplane Wing Lights Different Colors?
No Fly Zones for Drones in NY and NJ:
The FAA has issued a temporary ban on drones over certain parts of New York and New Jersey now.   Twenty-two areas in NY have temporary bans until January 17.  Thirty locations in NY have temporary bans from now until January 18.  These areas contain critical infrastructure.  Currently, DOJ, DHS and SS are the only ones who can legally intercept these drones.  Restricted airspace/bans allows law enforcement to bring these down. The drone detection systems can detect origin, make, model and pilot registration.
FAA announces temporary bans on drone flights in NY and NJ - YouTube
run time 3:29
This is being done 'out of an abundance of caution'.  Interesting.
Here's a link to TFR List and shows the NOTAMs.  There are a lot listed for NY dated 12/20/2024.  (TFR = Temporary Flight Restrictions)  (NOTAM = Notices to Air Missions)
Federal Aviation Administration - Graphic TFR's
Drones are being reported in many more states now.
There is speculation that these are mostly Chinese - saying an attack is coming soon; I heard someone say they belong to Hamas - and a big attack is coming to the U.S. in 2025 and several countries in Europe.  Then there are people saying these are UAPs - UFOs and not drones.  Or there could be rouge people in the government doing this - a coup d'etat.  And, as in the Mondo interview, could this be something to eventually stop Trump?
People are getting fed up with ridiculous answers and a do nothing Biden administration.  And less than four weeks to January 20!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!