Hello John and Doves,re: Study by Yale researchers - Covid-19 spike protein still present long after vaccination.Several of the fact checking 'facts' thrown in our faces from the beginning of the Covid-19 "vaccine" debacle was the spike proteins "generated by the Covid-19 vaccines last up to a few weeks"....and mRNA from the Covid-19 vaccine "is quickly degraded within a few days. The cell breaks the mRNA up into small harmless pieces." And "Covid-19 vaccines cannot change your DNA."
How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body? | Nebraska Medicine Omaha, NE
IF spike proteins (foreign protein) are present in the blood, the body will make antibodies to these. They found spike protein and spike protein antibodies long after these were suppose to be gone! Long after the last vaccinations. This isn't what anyone expected. This is not what we were told!Alex Berenson, a former New York Times reporter, with a very good reputation for investigative journalism, and one of the first to speak up and question the whole "Covid" story, reported on this unpublished study by Yale researchers: Unreported Truths: URGENT: Yale researchers have found Covid spike protein in the blood of people never infected with Covid - years after they got mRNA jabs:This study is called LISTEN ("Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences Now") - researchers wanted to find out what 'long Covid' is and how to treat it. They were looking at people who believed they had continuing, troubling symptoms following a Covid-19 infection. But there were also people in their study reporting 'long Covid' that had not been infected with Covid-19 but had only received the Covid-19 'vaccine'.In this letter, I'm only looking at their results with the people with 'long Covid' who were vaccinated but not infected with the virus. This would be 'side effects' due to the 'vaccine'.LISTEN - The Yale Study:This study, done by a group of Yale researchers, spanned from early 2022 until recently. So it looked at some two years worth of data. They called this study "LISTEN" - and it was organized by Yale researchers - one is the "renowned" Yale researcher - Dr. Akiko Iwasaki a vaccine scientist - who is very pro-Covid-19 vaccine. She is a "former president of the American Association of Immunologists.....she told the Washington Post that concerns about mRNA shots were "absurd" and added that "no safety concerns" had been found in the clinical trials. She later signed a letter advocating Covid vaccine mandates." So she definitely approached this study very pro-vaccine.This research is about what's been called 'long Covid' and people claiming to be injured by the Covid-19 "vaccine" injection. And these people were never infected with Covid. So this part of the study was made up of 'self-reported' vaccine injured people. There were about 3,000 people in the study.Analysis was made on blood, saliva samples and reported symptoms from the participants. These people were told that "more than 700 days after the person's last mRNA shot, and in others more than 450 days after, the researchers found Covid spike protein."In their analysis of samples from people claiming 'problems with the vaccine', they found active spike protein antibodies years after the last Covid-19 injections.They were surprised that people who had never been infected with Covid were still making active antibodies to the spike protein. People who were vaccinated and had Covid were found to also only have antibodies to the spike protein and NOT to the Covid virus. The mRNA of the vaccine has possibly integrated (via transfection) into human genes - causing the body to make this protein on its own."If found to be correct, this explanation has serious implications for mRNA vaccine safety and the more than 1 billion people who received mRNA Covid doses."This study has not yet been published - it's been turned down by one journal. These researchers may publish this via a 'pre-print- unpeer reviewed. To get it out to other researchers, physicians and members of the public.URGENT: Yale researchers have found Covid spike protein in the blood of people never infected with Covid - years after they got mRNA jabsThis brings all mRNA vaccines into question. Will Dr. Iwasaki and other Yale researchers continue studies to see if mRNA from the Covid-19 vaccine is transfected into human DNA is yet to be seen. Certainly THIS research needs to be done as mRNA vaccines are becoming 'more popular.' Will these same participants have antibodies to this spike protein in 2030, 2050? Will they have more 'health issues'?And, another question, is 'long Covid' in the people who were infected with the Covid virus AND vaccinated the same as the 'long Covid' in people who were not infected with the Covid virus but were vaccinated? This would definitely point to a problem with the vaccine and not the virus.We were told that the mRNA "is quickly degraded within a few days. The cell breaks the mRNA up into small harmless pieces." mRNA is very fragile; that's one reason why mRNA vaccines must be so carefully preserved at very low temperatures." And "The Infectious Disease Society of America estimates that the spike proteins that were generated by Covid-19 vaccines last up to a few weeks (their bold font and underlining), like other proteins made by the body...Covid-19 vaccines cannot change your DNA...The cell breaks down and get rid of the mRNA soon after it's finished using instructions."
How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body? | Nebraska Medicine Omaha, NE
Obviously somebody is spreading lies about the Covid-19 'vaccine'. So much for their Fact-Checking! So why are these spike protein antibodies still present in humans over a year or two years later?? Either this mRNA is VERY long-lived or the mRNA has been incorporated into the human genome!! The human body is continuing to make these spike proteins long after they are no longer of any use - if they ever were - They never stopped anyone from getting Covid, they never stopped anyone from spreading Covid, they never stopped anyone from being hospitalized with Covid and they never stopped anyone from dying of Covid. About as worthless a 'vaccine' as was ever manufactured. And now with the 'long Covid' symptoms post vaccination - people may be 'vaccine injured' for life.The results of this research are not a surprise to the other researchers, physicians, virologists, etc. early on in Covid who were questioning a mRNA vaccine as 'safe and effective'. These people were vilified, discredited, fact-checked, had their reputations trashed, and some even had their licenses pulled! They were worried about (among other things), mRNA being transfected into the human genome and then the spike proteins would be produced forever? along with their antibodies. There appears to be NO off switch for production of spike protein antibodies if one has been vaccinated.What we don't know is, has this Covid-19 "vaccine" mRNA been incorporated into people's DNA or was the lipid coat around the mRNA so very protective of the mRNA - and that's why the spike proteins are still present long after vaccination.Even today, one can find the myth debunking on the CDC website: "The mRNA vaccines do not contain any live virus. Instead, they work by teaching our cells to make a harmless piece (they put this in bold font) of a "spike protein" which is found on the surface of the virus that causes Covid-19." And "Covid-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in anyway." "After the body produces an immune response, it discards all the vaccine ingredients just as it would discard any information that cells no longer need. ((Obviously nott!!)) The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells, which is where your DNA is kept."
Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines | CDCHopefully research like this - if they pre-print or get it published peer-reviewed - will spur further research into what this 'vaccine' has done to people. People should NEVER have been vaccinated by an experimental vaccine like this. Sometimes the cure is much worse than the infection. And that's been proven the case with the Covid-19 'vaccine'.And very important follow-up questions to this research - with all these spike proteins, then the body is still making antibodies to these - so what exactly are all of these spike proteins doing to the human body and what are all of these antibodies doing to the human body? We know antibodies can cross react resulting in auto-immune diseases like Psoriasis, Scleroderma, Hemolytic Anemia, Celiac Disease, IBD, Type 1 Diabetes, Grave's, Hashimoto's, MS, Guillian-Barre Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus - to name a few. what new auto-immune diseases will result from this out of control antibody production?There have been excess deaths reported in all countries that mass vaccinated their people - the morbidity and mortality rates are off the charts. Why it's taking so long for these researchers and physicians to wake up is beyond me. The stigma of being anti-Covid-19 vaccine is wearing off and many people have 'vaccine' regret for taking it. At least, some research is being done for the 'long Covid' injured people.mRNA vaccines are 'the new thing' now and FDA is more than happy to sign off on them. So clinical trials are pretty pathetic. The research is not keeping up because it's been blindsided and was made illegal (for quite some time) to analyze the 'vaccines' - this is what happened with Covid virus, it's mRNA and the Covid-19 vaccine . No labs could touch those.And for those vaccinated, how can we turn this spike protein production off? If we can't fix this, this will happen with every mRNA vaccine they push on the public.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance