Chance (1 Dec 2024)
"False Flag Event Planned?"

Hello John and Doves,
I saw this article on Zerohedge, dated November 29, 2024, "Are they planning a false flag event in London?" 
Are they planning a false flag event in London? | ZeroHedge
With all that's going on, it wouldn't be a big surprise.  Do a false flag attack on a NATO country, then blame Russia.  Then they get their WW3 via Article 5.
The author, Alex Krainer, wrote that it was brought to his attention that hundreds of webcams across London had been turned off.  He showed a screen shot of London Webcam Live CCTV Camera No 27/11/2024 14:19:48.  All the cameras are black/off. 
So I checked Webcam London REAL Live Camera Today 01/12/2024 03:02:34 - the timers are running on each cam but no pictures.  I don't know what this means or what is going on.  But there are no pictures. ??
The author wrote, "They're planning a false flag event to blame on Russia....they are planning a false-flag terror attack on London which they'll blame on Russia, so that they can trigger an all-out, whole-of-society mobilization by all of the Western powers against Russia."
"Now if this seems far-fetched, there are now  several important elements that fit coherently with this scenario, starting with the general political state of things."
The West and the UK "bet heavily on Ukraine and lost."  The situation "has become as undeniable as it is hopeless.  But Western powers aren't showing any inclination to cut and run..."
"Ukraine is too important for them and the stakes could not be higher.  The "prize is the whole world".  (I wrote in a couple of previous Doves letters about the elites saying that if they win Ukraine, they win the whole world - it's that important a prize.)
US Chief of Staff under Biden, Mark Milley said "If we lose Ukraine, we will lose the world for decades."  And Boris Johnson in April 2024 said, "If Ukraine falls it would be a catastrophe for the West, it would be the end of Western hegemony..."
The author continued, "It is unlikely that the empire's vested interests will quietly accept this "catastrophe".  This is why they are escalating provocations against Russia, desperately hoping that the Russians will strike at a NATO member nation, creating a pretext to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty and unleash a unified response where the collective West would confront Russia in a whole-of-society effort and hopefully snatch a victory out of the jaws of defeat."  He noted the attacks on the Lusitania in 1915, Pear Harbor, and 9/11 (he gave several more examples) - 'provocations that triggered an intended response'.
"A new false flag attack, aimed at triggering World War III against Russia wouldn't be unusual in the context of history."
"I believe that this is the reason why Western powers are encouraging Ukraine to strike into Russia with their missiles, even though there is almost nothing to be gained.  Such escalation only makes them directly involved as belligerents in the conflict.  This is why incredibly, the U.S. is suddenly discussing providing Ukraine with nuclear weapons.  They may hope that Russia will respond impulsively, but they know that Vladimir Putin almost certainly won't take the bait.  That's where the false flag comes in, probably in the shape of the detonation of a nuclear weapon in London."
"Suppose if such a device were detonated from a shipping container on a ship or a truck, some Webcam might catch the event.  But if all the Webcams are dark, the news - which will have their stories scripted beforehand - can report that it was a Russian missile, and it would be very unlikely that anybody could ever prove otherwise."  (ex. remember when the BBC reported the collapse of one of the WTC towers 20 minutes before it happened? Yep.)
"Switching off all Webcams in London can't be a random event....For one thing, I could be wrong...But if I happen to be right.  The one way false flag events can fail is if the public sees through them....if the public is forwarned and expects that a false flag might take place, they might suspect that it was "an inside job" and the attack could blow back into the conspirators' faces.  I have therefore decided to take a risk of ruining my American readers' long weekend and to also risk embarrassing myself."
Are they planning a false flag event in London? | ZeroHedge
The U.S. was throwing out "Russian false flag operations" before Russia invaded Ukraine.  "U.S. Intelligence" was saying that Russia was planning a "false flag" event as a pretext for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.  "Russia has dismissed the claim."  There were no false-flag attacks carried out by Russia.  Russia just attacked - they had plenty of reasons.
And also, in several Doves letters I wrote about Russia saying that a false flag would be carried out by the West, and Putin would be blamed.  They announced this to the whole world.  To get people's attention.
Many people have been wondering why the West keeps pushing all of Putin's and Russia's buttons?  Why give permission to use long-range missiles deep inside Russia?  Biden did.  Then Britain.  Then France.  Then in the same week, Biden gave permission to use anti-personnel minds.  Then the Biden administration suggested giving Ukraine nuclear weapons!  And just a few days ago, a NATO chief, Rob Bauer, said that NATO should target Russia's missile launch sites!
So, NATO is saying that they should preemptively strike targets in Russia.  Russia's FM Lavarov sees it this way also.  "Mr. Bauer is either a fool or a provocateur, Perhaps both at once", Russian MP Mironov said.
Russia Accuses NATO of Pushing for Preemptive Strikes
It sure looks like, to many people, that the West is pushing Russia to act in a big way against the West - like possibly respond with a nuclear weapon. 
Will Putin fall for it?  He hasn't yet.  But if the U.S., Britain, etc. can't get Putin to react to all of these blatant provocations, it's not beneath them to do a false flag attack and blame Putin.  Then they will have their war.  I suspect that there are others, like this author, looking for a false flag attack that blames Russia.  And it might not be on London.  But it will have to be bad enough to galvanize the West against Russia.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!