12-2-2023 has a number anagram of 20221 and 12202 in it < BOTH numbers will be featured in tomorrow'sarticle released about > Jesus Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight <NEVER BEFORE SEEN BIBLE REVELATIONS using Strong's concordance...stay tuned...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From this date12-2-2023 9/30/2028!.........................................its 588+588+588 days to.........!A=1,B=2 etc > ^^^^^ !> Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 588 !!..........................................................................1764 days........................................!^^^^^^^"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the ^^^^^^^
Day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^JOEL 3:14 is the Last vs in Bible with a 1764 gematria ct.In math the 9th, 30th, 20th, 28th Prime numbers https://www.newjerusalem.org/1764?from=Chapter(Rev.14).Search(1764)are 23+113+71+107 = 314. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^............................9/30/2028
This date 12-2-2023 I also made a NEVER BEFORE seen DISCOVERY of how all three dates of the3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy are perfectly encoded in the Bible confirming the Prophecy .This NEW discovery will be featured in a future article at > https://jesus2ndcoming2028.com/ <
Stage 1 Fall of Babylon Prophecy > 9/11/2001 < Twin II Towers DestroyedStage 2 Fall of Babylon Prophecy > 3/6/2009 < Lowest Low of this Century S&P500 Falls to 666Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy > 9/30/2028 < REVELATION 18:2
!!! Prophetic Sign !!!Gold this weekend is sitting at a NEW ALL TIME CLOSING HIGH of $2089 ..A=1,B=2 etc > Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 316 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^2089 = 61 + 2028^^^^ ^^^^^^^Stage 2 Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^ Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy2nd time seen in Bible Prophetic Phrase ^^^^ 3rd and last time Prophetic PhraseBabylon is Fallen is Fallen ^^^^ Babylon is Fallen is Fallenin text of vs ^^^^ in text of vsRevelation 14:8 ^^^^ Revelation 18:2!.....................61 vs to..............!Last 2 times Noah seen in Bible > ^^^^^^^^"who formerly were disobedient, when once the ^^^^Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, ^^^^ and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noahwhile the ark was being prepared, in which a few, ^^^^ one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness,that is, eight souls, were saved through water" ^^^^ bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly;"
1st Peter 3:20 ^^^^ 2nd Peter 2:5!........................................................61 vs to........................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew begins 930 chapterof Bible. Ends with chapter 957+vs1071=2028Matthew beginning to end reveals 9/30/2028 ."But as the days of Noah were, "Lo, I will be with you alwaysso also will the even to The End of the Age."Start Book of coming of the Son of Man be." End of BookMatthew Matthew 24:37 Matthew 28:20!..................850 vs...................!........................221 vs......................!Chapter 850 of the Bible is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ezekiel 48,where we have documented in depth the ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^Great Tribulation Start date, timeline, Stop date is. 221st vs Book of Daniel 7:25 is where^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the Great Tribulation timeline 1260 days^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is seen in text with the prophetic phrase^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Time, Times and half a Time"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > 1260 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ vs of Ezekiel ^^^^^^^^^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 Ezekiel 48:22 Ezekiel 48:24!................4 vs...........!..........2 vs...........!Great Tribulation timeline 42 months as in Revelation 11:2, Revelation 13:5.^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 is the last place in the Bible with ^^^^ Ezekiel 48:24 is the last place in the Biblethis chapter vs config, 4818 being a Bible number ^^^^ a vs has a 2068 gematria count revealingrevealing the the date 4/19/2025 as seen below. ^^^^ the date 9/30/2028 as seen below.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !...............1260 days or 42 months.......................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^^^^^^^^ Massive evidence aligning^^^^^^ here for Start date of theBook of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^^^ <<<<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book > 1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++ <<<<<< 1260 days toBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ++++ <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<< ++++ <<<<<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^total > 6886 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^https://math.tools/list/palindromes In math the 158th palindrome # is 6886 This date is theA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Day of Atonement^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For then there will be Great Tribulation,such as has not^^^^^ been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."Matthew 20:28 ^^^^^ Matthew 24:21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!...............158 vs to....................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^There are 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo ^^^^^^ 274th day is 9/30 of 2028!!and the total verse count between those points for all 13 books is exactly 6886 !! ^^^^^^^^^^ 6x338=20286886 - 274 - 274=6338See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jun2023/stevew64-1.htm
And See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jan2023/stevew115-1.htm <............................................................................................................................................................
----- Forwarded Message -----From: "john.a.carmanxxxxxxxxxxxxx>To: "wilkste@aol.com" <wilkste@aol.com>Sent: Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 04:28:36 PM ESTSubject: Today's dateToday's date right to left is 2221( my other badge number is 22201) 12-2-2023