Steve Mullin (31 Dec 2023)
"2024-25 Alien Disclosure from 2008"

This person was told in 2008 that the government would slowly and progressively disclose info re aliens up to 2025.

My personal belief is that Jesus was crucified in 31 ad and the 7 year period will begin in 2024, because 2k years from 31 ad is 2031-7 year trib/great trib is 2024. Scripture says, "After 6 days, Jesus took John, James, and Peter UP and was transfigured before them."

Not a ton of people understand that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day in scripture so everywhere it says 2, 4 or 6 "days", it's referring to this age. AKA and Jesus stayed with the Samaritans 2 days which represents the 2k year gentile dispensation. When Jesus raised Lazarus "after 4 days" for the glory of God, he was referring to the fact that HE would be resurrected  4k years from Adam.

Hosea 6:2 says the Lord has torn us he shall bind us up. After 2 days he will RAISE US UP and we shall live in his sight.  That's 2k years from his first coming.

Steve M