Steve Mullin (31 Dec 2023)
"Alexa WW III begins March 1st, 2024"

I posted this months ago but I'm reposting now because it's only 64-ish days away.

The first concerning point is that Alexa says many sleeper cells within the United States will be activated. How many military aged men from all over the world, especially China, have we seen over the past few months pouring across our border?

Second, being attacked from both coasts by Russia and China aligns perfectly with Henry Gruver's prophetic vision from the 80's.

Henry specifically said he saw nuclear submarines parked just off both coasts from San Francisco to LA to San Diego and New York City, DC and Florida. Here's a link to his testimony:

and third, Leave the World Behind, the Simpsons, and Gruver have all alluded to communication outages when it happens, whether that is due to hacking or an EMP or some other method, we should be aware of what we would do in that situation. So very close 

Steve M