Steve Coerper (31 Dec 2023)
"If Rapture/Tribulation Timelines Annoy You - comment on Mike P's post"

Dear John & Fellow Watchers -

This is in response to Mike P's post.  Actually, I think it was the guy who did the now defunct Prophecy web site called "Daniel's Glasses" who came up with the idea that there was a gap.  His idea was that we would be translated from mortal to immortal but would remain on the earth for up to 40 days before we left.  It's a rather romantic conjecture that does not seem to hold up under scrutiny.

Usually, the term "gap theory" refers to an alleged gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 in an attempt to reconcile creation and Darwinism.  As we should all know, there is no discrepancy between true science, honest paleontology, and the Biblical record.  Nor is there any need for any real scientist to "reconcile" the truth of the Biblical record with the demonstrable lies and disprovable guesses of evolutionism.

Since there is so little clarity on what the "confirmation of the covenant" entails - who makes it, what are the terms, who is it made with, etc. - there's room for LOTS of theories and conjectures.  As you know, I come down on the side of the Messiah making the covenant with a remnant of True Israel (Ezek. 34:22-25) and the "dry bones" resurrection.  But Salus and many other still think it's a seven year peace treaty initiated by The AntiChrist.

Be Berean - study all sides and come to your own conclusion.

