Steve Coerper (3 Dec 2023)
""So, This is Happening!""

Dear John, Fay, and Five Doves Community:

This is, obviously, a response to Fay's post.  I'm sure many of the Doves who read it had two questions:  1) "who is forcing Fay to read the posts of someone she obviously disagrees with?" and 2) "why does Fay not offer scripture or other support for her disagreement?"  Because this was clearly a passionate presentation of her emotional reaction, and not a reasoned rebuttal of anything I wrote.  It was, in short, just an ad hominem attack.
"Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth." - John Tng
Fay, I'm hopeful that you had some second thoughts after submitting this, as I'm sure you never say things like this to anyone face-to-face.  The keyboard and cyber-anonymity offer some distance and safety, and therein lies a danger. 

Now, if anyone has a reasoned and supported response to anything I post, I will be happy to engage in fruitful dialogue.  On the other hand, the wild deployment of inflammatory pejoratives, unsubstantiated accusations, or the vague and unsupported charge of "anti-Semitism" are simply beneath the dignity of any true Christian.  I am not attacking, nor have I EVER attacked the Jewish people.

Very best,
