Ray (3 Dec 2023)
"The 65 years in Isaiah 7. Part 4."

John and Doves,


Let's go back to Isaiah 7:8.

Isaiah 7:8 For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin; and within threescore and five years shall Ephraim be broken,
 that it be not a people.

"threescore and five years" is 65 years. I have stated from my posts that Damascus did confederate with Ephraim to attack Judah in 1967. Ephraim
 in 1967 is occupied by Jordan. Under United Nations resolution, Ephraim/West Bank belonged to Jordan in 1967 during the Six Day war. But my focus is the word "within" in "within threescore and five years".

There are two ways of adding 65 years to 1967. The first one is we simply add 65 to 1967 which gives us 2032. The second one is this, 1967
 is the 1st year, 1968 is the 2nd year, 1969 is the 3rd year, 2031 is the 65th year. This method of adding 65 years to 1967 fits the word "within" in "within threescore and five years". "within threescore and five years" means when we add 65 years to 1967,
 we should include the first and last year, which gives us 2031 as the 65th year.

If God says "after threescore and fives years, Ephraim be broken, that it be not a people.", then adding 65 years to 1967 which gives us 2032
 makes sense. Having said this, I am leaning toward 65 years is 2031. Jesu shall return to Jerusalem in 2031 to judge Jordan, so that Jordan be not a people.
