Ray (3 Dec 2023)
"The 65 years in Isaiah 7. Part 3."


John and Doves,

The 65 years prophecy in Isaiah 7 is very important. It gives us the year Jesus returning to Jerusalem. Syria did confederate with Ephraim/West Bank/ Jordanians to invade Judah in 1967 Six Days war. God says after 65 years , Ephraim shall be broken. Since Jordan (together with Syria) attacked Judah in 1967 Six Days war, God has numbered Jordan for 65 years. Adding 65 years to 1967, we either come to 2031 or 2032 as the year Jesus returns to Jerusalem and punishes Jordan, so that they be not a people.

A note here. When we study bible prophecy, we need to be aware of the words God has chosen. In Isaiah 7, Rezin King of Syria and Pekah king
 of Israel together threatened the existence of Judah. But in verse 8, God did not say Israel the northern kingdom was broken. God only picked the name Ephraim. Why? Because this 65 years has dual fulfillment. The latter part points to modern day Ephraim which
 Jordan occupied prior to Six Days war. Ephraim was God’s chosen name for Jordan during the 1967 Six Days war. Jordan shall be broken as soon as Jesus returns at the end of 65 years. God did not say “Israel” is broken in verse 8, but “Ephraim” only.

God often hides the latter days prophecy in old testament events. 65 years is one of them The other one is the veiled person in Daniel 11:21.
 We could say he is Antiochus IV the mad man. But to be more precise, he is the modern day Antichrist. God always uses the historical events to demonstrate the future events.
