Raul D  (31 Dec 2023)
"Jan 11 2024 makes 6000 years from Adam's removal of Eden & starts Winter season in 🕎"

If the book of Jubilees states that winter begins in the month of Tevet and Jesus was present for the feast of dedication or Hanukkah 🕎.  We're one month off.
the recent discovery in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the ancient Jewish historian Flavius Josephus who wrote in his book-- The Antiquities of the Jews:  The first Jewish month (Nisan 1) back in Jesus's time, started at the sighting of the 1st new moon when the sun is in the Aries Constellation.  SEE: https://lexundria.com/j_aj/3.248/wst
April 22, 2023 Sun was in Aries starting Nisan making the month of Tevet 1 on January 11, 2024 not Shevat. And Kislev 25 on January 6, 2024 starting Hanukkah sundown of Jan 5th to sundown Jan 13, 2024.
Book of Jubilees chapter 6:23
And on the new moon of the FIRST MONTH, and on the new moon of the FOURTH MONTH, and on the new moon of the SEVENTH MONTH, and on the new moon of the TENTH MONTH are the days of remembrance, and the days of the seasons in the four divisions of the year. These are written and ordained as a testimony for ever.
1.Tishrei, first month of original calendar. Fall 🍁
4. Tevet, Winter ❄️ Jan 11, 2024
5. Shevat,
7.Nisan, Spring 🌱
10.Tammuz, Summer 🌞
John 10:22 New International Version
Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, ( Jan 11, 2024 onwards)
Adam & Eve left the Garden of Eden on Tevet 1, beginning of winter January 11, 2024.
pastor Sandy Armstrong's study of Sept 2017 making 6000 years from Adam's creation is important to figure out the timeline. But Adam only left the garden of Eden  seven years later on Tevet 1st from his creation making 6000 years from Adam's removal of Eden. This is Huge Jan 11, 2024 = Tevet 1= 6000th year Adam and Eve were removed from the garden of Eden in the beginning of winter during Hanukkah 🕎.
2017: start of year 1 when Adam entered Eden 6000 years ago.
2018: year 2
2019: year 3
2020: year 4
2021: year 5
2022: year 6
2023: Tishri start of year 7.   6000 years ago from when he entered the garden of Eden on Cheshvan 17 making 6000 years from Adam's & Eve's  removal on Tevet 1st   from the garden of Eden January 11, 2024.
Book of Jubilees ch3
32. And on the new moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife went forth from the Garden of Eden, and they dwelt in the land of Elda in the land of their creation.