Well, it's that time of year to give a shout out to you
all that I am still here being my usual Christmas joyous
self. I absolutely love this time of the year when
the glistening lights on houses and business centers light
up the night. I love the music of carolers,
symphonies and Praise bands with the sounds of Christmas,
the still yet reminder that our Savior came to Earth, as a
baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger with
the mission to redeem us and bring us humans in
reconciliation to God. Emmanuel, God is with us!!
Joy to the whole Earth that God incarnate would love us so
much that He would come not only to live among us, but as
a Lamb to slaughter, the Lamb that takes away the sins of
the whole world, would choose to do so. With the
mission of the Cross outside of Jerusalem on Golgotha, the
hill outside of the city, there Jesus would bare all our
sins upon Himself sacrificially as God the Father poured
out His wrath in Judgement of our sins. There that
little baby grown into fully man/fully God would die for
But for now, how we adore that little baby, Jesus, that
perfect lamb who knew no sin entering by choice to Mary
and Joseph who took on the task of being his
parents. O come, O come Emmanuel!!! The Shepherds
look on as a multitude of angels announce Him, praising
God in the heavens above. Can you imagine how the
lowest on the economic ring in Israel, shepherds, would
feel as they were startled at this announcement!
And, they took off to go and follow that star in the night
sky to Bethlehem to seek the Christ Child. I
wouldn't hang out in the fields either. I would certainly
go as fast as I could to see this baby, the Messiah,
Savior of the world. Nope, no hesitation on my
But, I have lived a life like that. Looking now
for the King of Kings to come in the sky to snatch me up
to meet Him in the air. I look forward to that day
when He comes to put His feet on the Mt of Olives outside
of Jerusalem to bring final peace on Earth and goodwill
towards all men, but it will be not without the cost of
human lives who would choose to live by choice in
defiance, full on abounding sin, to make declaration that
they can live in anarchy, anyway they choose. For
God Himself cannot look upon sin, nor allow sin in His
presence, all peoples will know Him as Messiah, King of
the universe and bow before Him. But their hearts
may not change and in minds and hearts refuse to not only
believe but receive Him into their hearts and lives.
A sad day that will be them.
But as for Patty, I face my daily challenges with
the knowledge I don't walk this path alone. I have
God, His Word and filling of the Holy Spirit in me.
He has gifted me with wonderful people in my life to cheer
me on in my journey. It was asked of me will I be with my
family this Christmas? Absolutely I will. I
see family at church, I hear family by phone, and the
family that have gone to be in the presence of Jesus,
their voices, their memories I have with me always.
I am so thankful for the family God has placed me
in. They cheer me on. make me laugh, point me to the
Lord and that is a wonderful gift.
Though my physical challenges are so often like being
on a roller coaster, many days being good and many days
that are hard and sometimes even harder, God's gift of
humor as many are so aware of, I have learned to laugh and
learned not to allow the physical maladies to own me, or
when difficulties occur in relationships, to value them
and work away the difficulties as people hold in
themselves treasures to grow by and God given value worth
those struggles.
Christmas is the story of all contained in this
Christmas letter. And I am the most grateful for
it. And the neatest part of the story is it is a
TRUE STORY in the history past, present and in all ahead
of us. It is my hopes that your hearts rest in the
redeeming true story of Immanuel, God with us!!
God rest ye merry Gentlemen and women..... and Peace
on Earth, Goodwill to all men, women and children!!!
Merry Christmas!!! And even, a Ho! Ho! Ho! ,