Mike Plunkett (31 Dec 2023)
"If Rapture/Tribulation Timelines Annoy You Don't Read This - Note: Timelines Are in the Bible"


Calendar Used for Calculations - Being Used in the Present Time

Dear John & Fellow Watchers,

I think it was Bill Salus who first came up with the idea of the Gap Theory meaning a span of time between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation. Many of us bought into it but perhaps the theory is flawed. So, bear in mind that what I am about to present represents the Rapture and the Start Date both occuring on the same day.

Beshalach    /   Shirah
Tribulation Start Date
Confirmation of the Covenant
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Same Day as the Rapture

Elul 1
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Season of Repentence

Thursday, June 10, 2027

Saturday, July 10, 2027
1260 days after the start of the Trib

Sunday, April 30, 2028
1335 days after Elul 1

Saturday, December 21, 2030
1290 days after Shavuot 1
2300 days after Elul 1
2520 days after start of Trib