by Luis B. Vega
Awake, O Sword, against My Shepherd, against the Man who is My Companion, declares the LORD of Hosts. Strike the Shepherd, and the Sheep will be scattered, and I will turn My hand against the Little Ones. And in all the Land, declares the LORD, 2/3 will be cut off and perish, but a 1/3 will be left in it. This 3rd I will bring through the Fire; I will refine them like Silver and test them like Gold. They will call on My Name, and I will answer them. I will say, They are My People, and they will say, The LORD is our GOD. Zechariah 13:7-9
Factors Leading-up to Daniels 70th Week
The purpose of this Book is to consider the End Times and when will the start of the Biblical 7-Year Tribulation Period begin. This study will show that this will be impossible to know, for a variety of factors that will be presented. The supposition is that the timeline is set to the Fig Tree Prophecy concerning the Re-Birth of the Nation of Israel in 1948. This event was foretold and is valid. However, there is a Discrepancy as to what is or should be the Year Marker that starts the timeline or Countdown of that Last Generation that will see the Return of Jesus.
Some would argue the Start Year should be from 1947 as that is when Israel essentially became a De Facto State. This was due to the British Mandate being handed over to the UN. The UN Partition Plan then called for a 2-State Solution, etc. Israel accepted the Deal but the Arab Muslims refused it. On May 14, 1948 Israel did declare Independence and the Arab Muslims declared War on Israel. Then the War of Independence ensued and Israel amazingly won her Sovereignty. Thus, most use the 1948 Year as the starting point of the Last Generation of the Fig Tree Prophecy.
But there are those that argue that if the Parallel Prophecy of Daniel is in place, the Start Year has to commence with a Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem. This did occur but not until 1949 and the rebuilding lasted until 1953. Nonetheless, 1948 is the prevailing formula being calculated by Prophecy Watchers. This study, however, suggests that it should be from 1949 when the Decree was made.
On Your Mark
Most nonetheless, are factoring-in the 80-Year Generation limit from 1948, then they are subtracting 7 Years from that to get 2021. This is wrong, the count should start in 1952. This is regardless of the Sabbatical Cycle Theory as it would be off by 1 Year. And then how the Assertion is assumed that the Tribulation Period starts irrespective of the Daily Sacrifices that then demands a 3rd Temple nor of the Rapture event even. Thus, there is much to consider as the 1948 Start Year is just too simplistic of a Calculation based on this Math that is using a Western or Gregorian Calendar Year Count as it is. Realize that the Tribulation Period is counted using 360/Days or more precisely 1260 Days, or a total of 2520 Days.
This is regardless of which Calendar one will end-up using. This study will strongly suggest that many factors are in play and have to come together, all prophetically, in sync to converge on the Tribulation Period. Most notably, if the Tribulation Period is to start before the Fall of 2025, there is not enough Time to build the 3rd Temple. And the AntiChrist has to be revealed, yesterday. The actual Day Count is contingent upon the start, interruption and completion of the Daily Sacrifices.
This then necessitates the AntiChrist coming on the World Scene and then this necessitates the Rapture event having to have happened before this. So, given the prevailing 1948 Start Year, the Fall Feasts of 2032 are when Jesus is to Return, then the Tribulation Period has to have started in the Fall of 2025. Although it sounds good and it makes for Good Talking Points, this study has to disagree. And those who will put their faith and trust on the Tribulation Period starting before the Fall of 2025 will be disappointed, again.
Now one suggests that the count should be starting from 1952. Why? That was the 1st Shemitah in the Land. Thus, the Rapture Year can be counted based on the Sabbath Cycles. This is how Prophetic Time is tracked. The 1948 Base Year may not be the correct starting point. If one is using the parallel template from Daniel, the Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem has to also be applied then.
This Decree did not occur in 1947, or in 1948 but in 1949 when the Knesset made that Proclamation as Jerusalem was virtually destroyed in the War of Independence. So, a more Accurate Calculation would be the following.
1952 + 80 Years = 2032 - 7 Years = Fall 2025
One does believe that Jesus along with His Bride will be returning at a Future Yom Teruah Fall Feast. It is argued that Jesus is to fulfill those other remaining Fall Feasts in succession within the Weeks/Days as He did for the Spring Feasts at His 1st Advent. But the Tribulation Period cannot start before the Fall of 2025. For one, it would be impossible to finish the 3rd Temple by then. Even at breakneck speed to erect the Temple, it would take at least 2-3 Months.
This means that starting before the Fall of 2025, the construction has to occur and this is not the present case; not by a long shot. The Geo-Political circumstances leading-up to the Tribulation Period are also not in place that will be initiating the demand for the 3rd Temple as a rallying cry for World Peace.
It will be a House of Prayer for All Nations that the AntiChrist will exploit. He will be like the Nimrod that will rally the Nations around the Temple as the Tower of Power. And to also suggest that the revealing of the Ark of the Covenant will be the prime motivating factor. It would also mirror the Dispensation reverting back to the Time of the Law and Israel.
And as mentioned, what will also be reason for the 3rd Temple and a call for Peace and Security is how Israel will have won a major Regional War against its immediate Muslim Neighbors. This might well be the Psalm 83 War. Thus, as one can assess, such variables are not yet fully in place to initiate the 70th Week of Years.
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70th Week of Daniel
Thank You in Advance.
Prelude .. . 11
70th Week of Daniel . . 23
Last Shemitah . ... 45
Rapture Parables .. 59
Enochian Time .. 71
Equinox Calendar . 83
1st Sign of Prophecy 93
Incarnation of the King . 105
When Was Jesus Crucified . 115
Return of the Eternals .. 121
Alien Disclosure Timing ... 135
The Purge ...... 149
7 Laws of Noah ... .. 163
Sabbatical Cycles Pattern ... 175
Why Israel Needs an AntiChrist ... .. 183
If Israel Gets Nukes .. 199
Menorah Hidden Meanings ..... 209
Order of Resurrections ... .. 225
Drudge Rapture?......................................................... 235
Rapture is Not Imminent .. 251
A Midnight Rapture?................................................... 261
Prophetic Sign Posts 271
Seals of Revelation .. 285
Handwriting on Wall . 297
70th Shemitah ... 305
Matthew 24 Signs . 321
Red Heifers 333
When Will The Church Age End?............................... 337
Burden of the Watchers .. 341
References . ..... .. .... 351
ABCs of Salvation .. .. ....... 353
Book Resources 361____________________
© 2021 PostScripts Publications
Daniels Coming Tribulation
70TH WEEKFaith Under Fire
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Copyright: All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
Publisher: Lulu
Binding: PaperbackInterior: Color
Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
Publication Date: Sep 4, 2021
Language: English
ISBN: 9781312905504