Point is, Ezekiel 4:4-6 condemns Israel to 430 years of punishment for their sins beginning in Babylon. After Babylon. there were 360 years left. They still did not repent. Leviticus 26:18 says because they did not repent, he would multiply their chastizement seven times, or 2520 Hebrew years, 907, 200 days. The 201st day was May 14, 1948, beginning the final generation. Fourscore, 80 years is the maximum length of a generation. say 2028/30 at most. The rapture seven years before that ... which is about now. No we dont know exactly when, but we can know the time. By the way, the Matthew ch 24 (which is about the tribulation period) "no one knows" is about the second coming not the rapture > I have been watching since the 1970s. Maranatha, Lewis