from my web site https:// lewishb dot TV New "Drake Equation" My new version of the "Drake equation" showing the possibilities of another earth in our galaxy!!! Lets say we start out with 1 billion stars in our galaxy ................ MAYBE 10% are far enough away from each other not to affect each others planets AND to reduce radiation to a tolerable level.....more likely One percent would be 10 million stars Half are single star systems that leaves 5 million stars 1% are in exactly the right circular orbit and distace from the sun to be the right temperature that leaves 50,000 stars 10% are the stars with long term stable energy output that leaves 5000 stars 10% are the proper size leaving 500 stars 10% of these planets the proper type, rocky, atmosphere etc leaving 50 stars with type worlds Now the chance of one dna strand happening by chance is more that 1 in 10\10th or 1 in 100 billion....... that leaves you with one "earth" in one billion galaxies These figures are Very optimistic!!! so you can see that as far as ""evolution "is concerned, we really aren't here :eek: The majesty of the heavens shows the glory of God Maranatha, Lewis Brackett in San Diego Ca, USA