Gino (31 Dec 2023)
"RE: EAR: 12.22.23: regarding an islamic antichrist"

Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I figured you would have a definite answer to what if the ten kings were shiite leaders, and you did answer that question.
Donna Danna just sent in a couple letters, one linked to a message on the mahdi as antichrist, and the other linked to Joel Richardson's book.
I had mentioned to her that, even though for a number of years, I considered the islamic antichrist, I had one nagging question.
Joel Richardson addressed that in his book, about muslims breaking from all they believe, to worship a man as god, as he even blasphemes their god, allah.
The die hard muslims would want to kill him, like beheading, and perhaps that is where the mortal head wound by a sword comes from.
My only thought on a possible explanation, was that maybe the majority of young people in muslim families, will rebel.
They rebel against the religion and god of their fathers, and identify with the rebellion and blasphemy of the antichrist.
They may gleefully cheer as the antichrist boldly blasphemes all that is called God, which would include their fathers' god allah.
Perhaps millions of other rebellious young people, who grew up in Jewish or Christian homes, will respond to him the same way.
So there could be an entire generation of religiously rebellious youth, who would even turn in their parents for not following their new god, the antichrist.
Also, muslim parents would turn their rebellious children in for death, as they do now, already, for any that leave islam.
Perhaps he initially is received as the mahdi, and followed religiously by all islam.
But when the full satanic blasphemy of the dragon manifests itself in him, there will be a line in the sand.
Those that resist die, but those that follow go all the way with the evil, even when warned by one of the angels flying in the midst of heaven.