Gino (31 Dec 2023)
"RE: Donna Danna: 12.24.23: islamic antichrist by Joel Richardson"

Thank you for sending the link to Joel Richardson's book.
Over a number of years, he had already been putting parts of this information out into the public.
Various websites had put up much of the different things he had written, which I had searched for, found, and read.
Also, various podcasts either talked about it, at times, and even interviewed him, as well, which I also made a point of listening to.
Then there was a debate that he had with Chris White, which I had intently listened to.
Earlier, after I had worked in Iraq, while they were at war with Iran, I came back wondering more about the middle east and islam in the end-times.
Then when the western forces invaded Iraq in the first gulf war, I began to wonder if allah and the dragon were one and the same.
I also wondered how other aspects of the end-times and islam might be connected, including, possibly, the antichrist.
After 9/11, I began reading Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch site, and it may have been where I first heard about Whalid Shoebat, or on WND.
At that point I really was convinced about the islamic antichrist.
But as I began to read and hear Joel Richardson, he explained these things clearer than did Whalid Shoebat.
However, the point Joel Richardson brought up about the potential problem with the subject of worshipping the antichrist, I had long considered.
Also, I was never convinced by his explanation about Mecca (EAR does a far better job explaining it).
Additionally I can't see Israel embracing an islamic mahdi, either as their Messiah, or in lieu of their Messiah.
What I can see, easier, is for a younger generation, from muslim families, in rebellion against islam, following a blaspheming antichrist.
Not only will he exalt himself above, but he opposes all that is called God, or that is worshipped, which apparently includes the muslim god, allah, as well.

II Thessalonians 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Will hundreds of million young people turn from their god allah, to, instead, worship the blaspheming antichrist?
Hardcore muslims would want to see the man who even blasphemes their god allah, be put to death (perhaps how he gets a mortal head wound?)
Would these rebels from muslim backgrounds, be joined, also, by millions of other young people, who turn from the God of the Bible?
Perhaps they will grow up with a Jewish or Christian background, but rebel against all of it, and turn to worship the antichrist?