Gino (31 Dec 2023)
"RE: EAR: 12.22.23: 8th iteration of the beast"

That was very well put together.
The one thing that I had always thought was about the center of the beast's kingdom.
You had mentioned the caliphate, and that makes sense.
As I described in a previous letter, I think to Chance, was about what the old Assyrian court records apparently described about Magog.
Some 700 years before Josephus described Magog as the Scythian people north of the Black sea, the Assyrian court records had it different.
From their description, Magog, Meshech, Tubal, and Togarmah were where modern day Turkey is, from west to east.
Meshech, Tubal, and Togarmah were under Assyrian influence, and somewhat control, but Magog was not.
Yet Magog allied itself with the Assyrians to battle Gomer, in the area northeast of the Black sea.
That Magog later became known as Lydia.
That one of the cities, Pergamos, was where Satan's seat was.
That of all the churches at that time, Jesus chose seven churches from only there, for John to write to, with the book of Revelation.
Chapter 2 shows Satan's seat to be in Pergamos.
In chapter 13, Satan gives his seat to the beast.
So, will Magog, and in particular, Pergamos, be the center of the kingdom of the beast?