Fay,That was frightening about the Grand Mufti's "prophecy"!He even mentions Gog and Magog.His message was: once Israel is defeated the US and Russia will be defeatedWhich was very interesting, and caught my attention, because it reminded me of Ahmadinejad speaking at a 2005 conference in Iran.
That conference was called: "The world without Zionism".While he spoke, he stood next to a large poster of an hourglass, with the earth in the top part.In the bottom part, two small spheres had fallen through, one with the US flag, and the other with the star of David.The US one had fallen first, and was broken.The Israeli one was then falling, apparently to be broken next.I remember, that when I heard about this, and saw the picture, back in 2005, I wondered about a possible connection to the end.The picture seemed to convey, that in order to break Israel, the US had to broken first.Which made me wonder, if there is a chance that the US could be Mystery, Babylon, then, that the ten kings could consider,that it has to be destroyed first, in order to make it possible for the assault of the kings of the earth against Jerusalem.