Gino (3 Dec 2023)
"RE: Chance: 09.17.23: Rosh Hashanah"

I didn't catch it at that time, but today I realized that you had linked to Chosen People Ministries.
At a church in Chicago, not long after my wife was saved, there was a guest preacher.
He was from Chosen People Ministries, and his message really affected us.
We decided to support Chosen People Ministries, and so did other families at that church.
We continued to support them while we were still with that church.
The church we later were in, taught about supporting the missionaries, that we, as a body, chose to support.
Not only did the church support missionaries, but individual families then also supported the missionaries, additionally.
So, many of us that had been supporting other ministries, moved that support to those missionary families.
The only exception that we did not stop, was my own brother and his family, who were missionaries, although not known by our church.
My brother was by far, loving and serving Jesus, much more than I had been.
In fact, at some point after I was saved, and before my wife was saved, I backslid miserably.
I had returned to many of my previous ungodly ways.
My testimony, and any witnessing I had done with my family, and especially my wife, was over.
While my brother, and his bride to be, were still in Bible college, he, and she, kept praying for me.
He had written to me, but I never opened anything, to prevent from reading anything.
So, he had the entire Bible college beseeching Jesus on behalf of a wicked backslider (me).
Jesus heard, and answered, their prayers, and recovered me out of the snare of the devil.
Then my wife, and some in her family, witnessed, that if Jesus could turn about a bum like me, then Jesus was really powerful.
Maybe it was like, Jesus turned my miserable failure, to his glory, by dramatically rescuing me, and saving others in the process!
