Gino (3 Dec 2023)
"RE: John Tng: 11.26.23: part 4"

When I first started doing Sudoku, maybe 20 years ago, I did not do like others were doing, like the front of the book recommended.
They would write the little numbers, that could be, in the various spots of the different squares.
I tried that way, but I just couldn't do very well.
Then I tried, instead, to put dots in the nine different positions of a square, to indicate the ones that could be.
The squares, then, would look a little like the sides of dice.
However, this way, by looking at dots, in various positions of the 81 squares, I was able to see patterns.
By seeing the patterns, I was able to then more quickly solve the puzzles, and work my way up to the harder & more challenging ones.
Others, looking at all those dots on the puzzle that I was working on, could not see the patterns that I saw, and maybe I seemed weird to them.
Why I wrote that, is because I think you have a very keen ability to see all kinds of patterns in numbers and number sequences.
Most other people cannot see what you see, but that is alright, because you can.
It is truly remarkable, the patterns that you have seen and shared.
In a similar way, I think that other writers to FiveDoves, see patterns in the scriptures, and share them with us, also.
Then, too, there are some like Fay and Chance, who can clearly see patterns in political trends and headlines.
And then, they can also, somehow, connect them to other patterns in the scriptures, which is a talent, not unlike your own.

Thanks, Gino!