Gino (22 Dec 2023)
"RE: Mike P: 12.17.23: pdf notes on dispensationalism"

That what very informative, and refreshing, to read.
I may have mentioned to you, before, that the man who discipled me, was very strong is that regard.
His father was a beloved speaker amongst the Plymouth Brethren in northern Ireland in the 1900s.
But he was called to serve in the RAF in WWII, from where backslid terribly, and went to the US after the war.
However, before his father died, he said something to him, which quickened the fear of God, again, and he repented.
He became involved amongst the Brethren congregations in the US.
He initially was a cross-country trucker, so he ended up as an itinerant speaker at the various congregations.
When I met him, we were both working shift work for the oil industry.
He introduced me to the doctrine, and to the various works of the different men mentioned in that pdf.
He spent much time expounding to me, the difference between the ministries of Peter and Paul, and the gospel of grace.
He had left a number of those books to me, including many booklets of the notes of those early Brethren meetings, from Darby's time, forward.
When my job transferred me to the Soviet Union, I left those books with my brother, who had gone to BJU.
He read them, and may have been the only one at his school who believed those things, like that.
Myself, I had a miraculous "accidental" connection with a place called Bible Truth Publishers.
They heard that I could have been sent to the Soviet Union, but I told them that I did not want to go there.
They said that they were all praying that I would go, and by faith, gave me loads of Bibles and tracts printed in Russian.
Apparently Jesus answered their prayers, as that is where I was sent, against my own desire.
That place, Bible Truth Publishers, had a bookstore, with the same books that man had given to me, and I to my brother.
Additionally, they seemed to sell everything that J.C. O'Hair wrote, including even pamphlets.
After I had handed out all the Russian tracts and Bibles, I eventually fell, and backslid terribly.
However, my brother had all of BJU praying for Jesus to recover me, and again, thank the LORD, the prayers of many were answered, and I repented.
Back in the US, I went to a church that had originally walled up their baptistry, because they did not believe that baptism was for this dispensation.
Later, I ended up transferring to a King James only Baptist church, because of the word of God.
The pastor's father in-law was another pastor, but who had strong connections with the Berean Bible Society.
He spoke often at our church, and taught much on the doctrine.
Also, there was one of those Richard Jordan churches nearby, that came often, as they didn't have an evening service.
So, there was quite a lot of influence in my life with so much of what was written in that pdf.
