Gerry Almond (3 Dec 2023)

December 2, 2023


We have entered the last month of the year 2023. December 7 is Pearl Harbor remembrance day, December 8 is the start of the Jewish Feast of Hanukkah, December 21 at 9:27 P. M. CST is the winter solstice, December 25 is the anniversary of Jesus Christ's birth, and December 31 is New Year's Eve.

This month is full of days to remember. And I have repeatedly written of the fact that in many, many instances, the Lord waits until the last day to perform His mighty works so that He alone will receive the glory.

I think this is the case this year.

Following is a scenario, whether true or not, will await the outcome:

December 7 plus 21 days arrives at December 28, the last Thursday of the month.

December 21 ends the Autumn and is the Winter solstice and begins the Winter season. It is also the date in ancient history when Nimrod's son Tammuz was said of his mother, Semiramis, to have been killed by a wild boar.

December 21 may also be a seven days alert as given Noah to us watchers.

December 25 is the day that Tammuz was supposedly resurrected from the dead. He was henceforth worshiped as a god and a tower called Babel was built to have a one world religion based on this evil happening. (It is a cheap copy early on of what would later occur by way of Jesus birth).

December 28 is the last chance for 2023 to produce the rapture based on Charles' report (way back in 2013 that the Lord gave him a Thursday as rapture day with many confirmations).

December 31 is Sunday and may be the last Lord's day for us. I am basing this on three days of darkness (that is Thursday/Fridaiy, Friday/Saturday, and Saturday/Sunday, sunset to sunset) which may see the rapture of the youth, the dead in Christ, and us early Sunday, perhaps during worship services in America, which is finally at year's end. The last day of 2023 as is true so often of our Lord.

January 1, 2024 may see the harvest of souls begin, which will last for 120 days to April 29, 2024. April 8, 2024 will see the solar eclipse occur that will complete the giant X over the continental United States of America. This date is the end of a count of 280 days from July 4, 2023, which ended a count of 280 days from the Feast of Trumpets, September 27, 2022. God really loves that count. In the life of Jesus there was 44.4 cycles of 280 days. Adding the repeat of that count from 1988 to 2022, there was another 44.4 cycles of 280 days. Altogether that is 88.8, the very number of the name “Jesus”.

April 9, 2024 may start a war in heaven during which Satan and his unholy angels are to be cast out of heaven according to Revelation chapter 12. Following the only other account of war in heaven as recorded by Daniel, the prophet (Daniel 10), the war may last 3 weeks or 21 days. If so, it ends April 29, 2024 in that case.

The final 1,260 days of Daniel's 70th week prophecy may begin April 30, 2024 and end October 12, 2027.

Adding the additional days of Daniel's prophecy of 30 and 45, we would have the 30 days ending November 11, 2027 and the 45 days ending on Christmas day, December 25, 2027.

Four years seems to be what is left for this world until the Kingdom Age. It could begin on the first day of Hanukkah in 2027 which is to be December 25 to run to December 31, 2027. Or it could wait for the end of Hanukkah and begin on January 1, 2028.

We shall soon see.

Not my will, but Thine be done. That is my constant prayer.


Gerry Almond