Fay (3 Dec 2023)
"The Supernova Festival. October 7th."


Hi John and Doves,

Wonderful stories of miracles during this Israel/Hamas war in the link below. Praise Almighty God. I have heard more stories of miracles happening because many Israeli's are now keeping the Sabbath. Hallelujah.

It was the mention of the miracle that saved a couple when they decided to keep the Sabbath and NOT attend the Supernova Festival, that caught my attention. The hideous massacre kicked off with the attack beginning at the Supernova Festival on October 7th. I sent a letter to Doves re asteroid 319/Leona occulting Betelgeuse on December 12th, 2023. Astronomers and scientists are very excited about this. Betelgeuse is HUGE and has been threatening to go supernova for awhile now.

War-time Miracles - Israel365 News

If Betelgeuse does go supernova, the light will be so bright, it will even be noticeable in daylight. Which makes me think of the prophecy in Zechariah 14:6-11. I can only think that this condition may be caused by a spectacular supernova.

Zechariah 14:6-11 NIV - On that day there will be neither - Bible Gateway

Supergiant star Betelgeuse is brightening up. Is it about to go supernova? | Space

From the Supernova Festival on October 7th to the occultation of Betelgeuse by asteroid 319/Leona on December 12th, there are 66 days. 67 if counted inclusively. December 12th is also the 6th day of Hanukkah. It seems to me that the name of the festival - Supernova - and the news of the Betelgeuse occultation, may be linked. Is Almighty God pointing us to something?

Please come, LORD Jesus.