Hi John and Doves,
This is a wonderfully written and wise article in the link. The truth on display for all to see. For any new, searching Christians, these words will clarify the Biblical truth about Israel and the Jewish people. I firmly believe that our words will be read in the future. Almighty God knows our words and has read them. Millions upon millions of people will be searching for wisdom during the great tribulation and will come across our writings on the 5 Doves forum. It's vitally important that we stand up for the truth.
From the very beginning, Almighty God has shown the people of the world the crucial importance of OBEDIENCE. He chose the Jewish people to use as an example of what happens when we disobey. He chose the Jewish people as an example to show the world what wonderful blessings occur when His word is obeyed. THIS is the exquisite thread that embroiders the Bible together. Without the example of the chosen people, we would not have the clarity that we have. The scriptures would not make any sense. Almighty God is purity and truth. The devil is evil and lies. Therein lies our choice. Freewill means having something to choose between. Good v evil. BUT - we must all make the choice. This is what Almighty God is trying to get through to us. Being lukewarm or indifferent is NOT an option.
Denying the validity of the Jewish people and modern day Israel shows monumental ignorance of scripture. These people obviously have not read the Bible properly. They prefer to believe the words of murky, underground, Jew hating authors. Mortal authors who spew out their poison and hatred like vipers. Their words commit violence against the Jewish people. Not the violent thuggery of Hamas - but violence just the same. By attempting to delegitimize the Jewish people, they are condoning the attacks upon Israel by radical Islam. Consciously or subconsciously.
Please come soon, LORD Jesus.