Fay (3 Dec 2023)
"Too Little, Too Late"


Hi John and Doves,

It appears that Germany has finally woken up - even though this situation has been obvious to all for years now. One doesn't have to be clairvoyant to be able to see where this uncontrolled immigration will lead. Radical, violent Islam has invaded the west. Now, it's not just Israel who has to put up with her violent neighbours. Those 'neighbours' are now ours too. The western politicians have ensured that Judeo/Christian countries are now harbouring millions of vipers in our nests.

Germany, we have a problem! Mass market tabloid that welcomed Angela Merkel's decision to let in a million migrants sounds a startling warning | Daily Mail Online

Thank God Almighty that He is fully in control. These things had to happen.

Please come, LORD Jesus.