Fay (3 Dec 2023)
"Quelle Surprise!"


Hi John and Doves,

It never fails to bring on a snort of derision when I read stories like this. Yes, it's a damning expose on Bill Gates and what his real intentions are, but it's a little late in the day. Christian watchmen have been warning about this for years - and being called crazy conspiracy theorists as a result. Now - all of a sardine - the media present this stuff as 'new news'. It ain't 'new' at all. What will be done about it? Nothing!

However, Almighty God is keeping His promises about everything being revealed in the end times. Luke 12:2 - see 2nd link.

Praise your Holy Name, Almighty Father God. In Jesus' precious Name. Even the most secular liberal luvvies cannot fail to sit up and take notice.

Is Bill Gates' reputation as the world's most noble philanthropist about to be torn to shreds by a new book which claims his billions do more harm than good? | Daily Mail Online

Luke 12:2 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known. (biblehub.com)