Elliot Hong (31 Dec 2023)
"Tevet 19(December 31) and Tevet 23(January 4)"

Dear Doves:

I believe that the current timeline has begun from the full moon on 9/29. 
Sukkot is observed for 7 days from the full moon of Tishri.
This Tevet full moon was 3 months from the Sukkot full moon which was the last Supermoon of 4 Supermoons in a row.
And there were so many signs indicating to this full moon of Tevet.
What went wrong?
A thought came up that 7 days should be applied like Sukkot from the full moon of Tevet as Isaiah 34:16 tells as below. 
"Search and read the scroll of the Lord. Not one of these will go missing, not one will lack her mate"
We all know that the center (4th) branch of Menorah represents the Lord.
Likewise, it's likely that Jesus went up to Jerusalem on the 4th day of Sukkot as it's written in John 7:10. 
The 4th day from this full moon of Tevet is 12/31.
This post says "2024 will come in with a BOOM and end with a BANG!" as below.
Thus it's possible that SD occurs as the midnight cry during the New Year's Eve celebration.
12/31 is Tevet 19 which fits to the Kim Fisher's youtube "19 Heart 19 Hurt" as below.
12/31 is 23(Death) days from 12/8 when "Leave The world Behind" was released.
12/31 is 18(666) days from 12/13 when O surprised kids as "Skinny Santa" and his name has 18 letters which fit to Rev. 13:18.
12/13 was 1 year from the Biden's abomination as well.
12/31 is 2323 days from 8/21/17 when Great American Solar Eclipse appeared which was the sign of Judgment for the US.

If SD occurs on 12/31, the Firstfruits Bride could be birthed on 1/3/24 which is matched with Hoshana Rabbah of Sukkot.
2023 Israel-Hamas war broke out on 10/7 which was the 8th day of Sukkot.
If it's a parallel, wars will break out in many potential flashpoints on 1/4/24(the 8th day from the full moon) which fits to $2.34.
1/4 in Israel is 1/3 in the States, and 4 years ago on 1/3/20 General Soleimani was killed by the order of Trump.
Iran vowed severe revenge as below.
This post says "The entire world will experience an abrupt shift and everything you relied upon will be turned to chaos"

Hopefully this is it.