EAR (3 Dec 2023)

Hi John,
Would you please post the attached letter for 5 Doves.
Thanks, and wishing you a belated Happy Birthday!
I hope your health has improved.
Thanks Ear!

Hi John and Doves,


The core existential problem facing the free western-world has now been irrefutably identified and more recently, visibly exposed! The looming threat to world peace, via the fundamentalist and supremacist Quranic ideology and Islamic studies that have been taught in western schools and universities during the last two decades, has now been laid bare for all to see: via the magnitude and frequency of the anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian demonstrations that have taken place inside educational institutions, and in the Capitals of scores of democratic nations in recent weeks.

As the prophet Daniel foresaw (below)—more than two thousand years ago via his symbolic dream—both parts of the divided ‘Iron’ Roman Empire (i.e., Eastern ‘New Rome’ in Asia, and Western ‘Old Rome’ in Europe), would in the distant future, be invaded by ‘foreign’ or ‘clay’ people groups with ‘alien’ ideologies.[1] Although the ‘foreign/clay’ invaders would settle in Rome’s successive nation-states, they would not be assimilated or absorbed into the societies they afterward occupied.

Whereas you saw the feet and toes, [i.e., terminal nations] partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. (Dan. 2:41–43)

So, when we see televised demonstrations by fervent Muslims and the brainwashed ‘useful idiots’ who support Hamas’ terrorism, waving their flags together on the streets of western capitals, and compare their enthusiasm for that cause, with the sagging defence by western nations over Israel’s justified response to Hamas’ brutal attacks, it is obvious that the Israel-Gaza War has splintered world opinion into an alarming chasm of political and partisan disagreement. However, as highlighted by the Jewish Press (below), the component that is sadly missing—as far as standard journalistic reporting is concerned—is any commentary about the religious dimension of this latest war: for it is not just a battle to win hearts and minds over a piece of land; it is an existential battle to achieve supremacy by Islamists who believe their ultimate success lies beyond the chaos they cause!

This incompatibility between Islamist ideology and Western Judeo-Christian belief had (until recently) been moderately suppressed by ‘politically correct’ legislation that protected religious groups from ‘hate’ speech. However, during the last two decades, following the intrusion into Europe and America of millions of migrant Muslims—who have mingled freely with the citizens of the host countries, but who have not adhered to western culture—the deep-rooted differences in religious ideology, culture and values have now ‘broken out’ into the ‘public square’ and created, not just a dread of international enemy forces, but a fear of neighbours, fellow-students and work-colleagues!

‘The Elephant in the Room’: The Real Source of Jew-Hatred in the Middle East | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Lawrence A. Franklin | 4 Kislev 5784 – Friday, November 17, 2023 | JewishPress.com

Quranic ideology is derived from a pure observance of Sharia Law as stated in the Quran.  Although its origin is from the 7th Century, via Muhammad, it resurfaced during the early 20th Century (after WWI), via the anti-Semitic, anti-Christian dogma and anti-western creeds that were embedded in the extreme ideology of Sunni Salafism and Wahhabism. The existential aim of Sharia Law’s proponents—many of whom are now living in western democratic countries—is to establish Sharia Law within the laws of those lands. International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism - Wikipedia

This supremacist ideology was adopted, taught and implemented by the Sunni House of Saud, in Saudi Arabia in 1925, after the fall of the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz, during WWI. It was afterward embraced by Qatar and the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in 1928, and afterward promoted by an Egyptian author Sayyid Qutb (1906–1966). Now—in the 21st Century—it is producing its vile fruit! This radical ideology was expressed in terrorist attacks: initially against Israel and U.S. security, by al Qaeda (via Osama bin Laden, Al Zawahiri, and lately by Saif al-Adel), and more recently by the Sunni ISIS Caliphate in Syria and Iraq (2014–2017).  Now the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sunni-Jihadist offspring Hamas in Gaza (led by Ismail Haniyeh, and Yahya Sinwar), and Shia Hezbollah based in Lebanon (led by Hassan Nasrallah), continue their fight to annihilate Israel at the behest of Shia Iran!

Consequently, it is past time for the ‘politically correct’ slumbering leaders of the supposedly woke western-world to actually wake-up to the fact that not every Muslim migrant who seeks asylum in a welcoming Christian country has a thankful heart and benign intentions! There are roughly 50 million Salafists abroad! Their aim is to behead Infidels (unbelievers) and Takfir (apostate) Muslims!

So long as this Salafi-Wahhabi teaching is propagated by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and as long as the ‘so-called’ asylum migrants from Muslim countries are free to enter western nations, a ‘tipping point’ will soon be reached when the ideological chasm and culture-clashes between these societies degenerates from insolent flag-waving demonstrations to chaotic and anarchic hand-to-hand civil warfare, when Jews and Christians will once again be slaughtered in public by fanatical Islamists. Meanwhile, through its ‘Axis of Resistance’ proxies embedded in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Gaza and other Middle Eastern countries, Iran will advance its Shia brand of anti-Semitism and expand its asymmetric warring effort against Israel, which is bent on wiping that Nation off the world map!

Unfortunately, the scripture quoted below warns that a change in momentum will occur when the disparate terrorist groups decide to cooperate with one another, thus tactically forming a larger and more effective force. There are signs that this is already happening, hence their successful invasion into southern Israel on October 7, 2023. How Hamas built a force to attack Israel on 7 October - BBC News

The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful. (Rev. 17:12–15)

It is almost ‘laughable’ (if it wasn’t so tragic), to see that Qatar, the principal financial supporter of Hamas and its ideology is being ‘thanked’ for its role in negotiating the release of the innocent Israeli civilians and children who were taken hostage by Hamas; while three times the number of detained, dangerous and convicted Jew-hating Palestinians are being discharged from Israeli prisons: rejoicing in Hamas’ cunning scheme for their release; which has paused Israel’s justified retaliation!

The Bible tells us that the end time wars will be global and religious in nature: emerging from whichever fundamentalist, Quranic ideological branch of Islam that the beast’s terrorist combatants decide to follow. Their existential target is the Lamb and His called, chosen and faithful followers. Meantime, attacks against Christian Churches (in France below) are just preliminary steps, leading to a broader escalation by fanatical Islamists against Jewish and Christian infrastructure in the world.

See Gatestone Institute Jihad on Churches in France :: Gatestone Institute  Scroll down to ‘map’.



http://www.beastandbabylon.com  The Beast and Babylon – the Revival of Radical Islam’

[1] The Western Roman Empire fell to Germanic and Barbaric invaders in AD 476, while Eastern ‘New Rome’ (Byzantine Empire) fell to Muslim Seljurk Turks (Ottoman Empire) in AD 1453. Descendants from these invaders: i.e., Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire formed the Central Powers in WWI, which fought against the Allies or Entente Powers: Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan and the United States.