EAR (10 Dec 2023)


Hi John and Doves,

This is just an introduction regarding the God-opposing entities named in the Book of Revelation, which rise up to prominence during the end time to fight the Lamb. I will add more information about them in the coming days.



The Primordial Dragon: Rev. 12:3, 9, 12b–17; 13:4; (i.e., that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan) is the pro-active celestial enemy of God. He seeks out earthly accomplices to achieve his goals.


The Beast entity (is a man-made God-opposing empire): The beast is used repeatedly as the primary earthly agent for the cosmic Dragon who empowers it (Rev. 13:2–4). The Beast has been through many metamorphoses, via the seven man-made earthly empires (called seven heads, Rev. 13:1), which the Dragon has repeatedly produced during the history of Middle-Eastern and Asian territories.

Pagan mankind and the kings of the earth have worshipped the Beast’s seven mutations via the idolatrous religions (harlot woman) that accompanied each of them (Rev. 17:1–4). Thus, the Dragon has given power and authority to all seven beast manifestations (Rev. 13:4) since the first empire arose in Babel, and during the six pagan iterations that followed (i.e., there are also seven kings…Rev. 17:9) being the Assyrian, Babylonian, Media-Persian, Macedon-Grecian and Roman Empires and the Sunni Muslim Ottoman and ISIS Caliphates. A blasphemous (idolatrous) name is written on each of the Beast’s heads (Rev. 17:3b).

The end-time Sunni Muslim Ottoman-ISIS Caliphate beast that appears in Revelation 13:1 is the seventh manifestation; i.e., the one to come… (Rev. 17:9–10). This latter-day revived Beast’s territory includes some features from the three ancient ‘head’ empires symbolically known as lion, bear and leopard (Rev.13:2, cf. Dan. 7:4–6)—i.e., the former Babylonian, Media-Persian, and Macedon-Grecian Empiresthat had their lives prolonged for a season and a time (Dan. 7:12). Thus, the latter-day beast’s tripartite ‘composition’ is identified from Daniel’s imagery. It being …like a Leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion (Rev. 13:2). Its ten crowned horns symbolise the ten independent and sovereign Muslim countries of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Libya (that overlaid parts of the three old empires), which were established after the Ottoman Empire was defeated in the early 20th Century.

And I saw a beast rising up out of the

Sea, having seven heads and ten

horns, and on his horns ten crowns,

and on his heads a blasphemous

name. Now the beast which I saw

was like a leopard, his feet were like

the feet of a bear, and his mouth

like the mouth of a lion. The dragon

gave him his power, his throne, and

great authority. (Rev. 13:1a–2)

The leopard had on its back four

Wings of a bird. (Dan. 7:6a)

   Illustration only! Showing the four wings left on the leopard (Dan 7:6)

The seventh head (Ottoman Empire) on the beast (which rose up out of the sea), carried a mortal wound from the sword of war in WWI. The seventh head was healed and continued via the ISIS Caliphate. Unfortunately, the devilish revival of the ISIS caliphate in Syria-Iraq led by a man called Caliph Ibrahim continued to function during the 42 months of its limited tenure: from June 29, 2014 until Dec. 9, 2017, when it reintroduced the Seal of Muhammad-Mark of the Beast. Because of ISIS’s radical ‘Salafist’ dogma and Islamist propaganda, many of its victims were beheaded, burnt, tortured, drowned and murdered.

Thus, the beast’s seventh head iteration (Rev. 13:1–10) is portrayed as an Islamist type Caliphate, whose philosophy and militarism is endorsed by a person, called the ‘False Prophet’ (Rev. 13:11–12), via the Quranic ideology he established. Both the beast and the false prophet were empowered by the Dragon-Satan and demon spirits (Rev. 13:4; 16:13–14).

However, it seems an eighth iteration of the beast is yet to appear—rising out of all seven former empires (including the Ottoman-ISIS Caliphates) in the end time (Rev. 17:11).


Mystery’ Babylon the Great: is portrayed in Revelation as a New Testament phenomenon and a female metaphor for a false religion that is just as evil as the original Babel/Babylon in Chaldea!  ‘Mystery’ Babylon, as a religious entity, is also described as a great city of wealth and merchandise, but obviously this Babylon is NOT based in Chaldea like her ‘name-sake’ Old Testament predecessor, because she is seen to be sitting on the seventh beast in the wilderness!

Apparently, during the end time, the existing nations will all have succumbed to Mystery, Babylon’s religious dogma: i.e., with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication… and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury. (Rev. 17:2; 18:3) Also, Mystery, Babylon has obviously had previous manifestations prior to the end time denouement, because in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth. (Rev. 18:24) Additionally, John sees that she is already drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus. (Rev. 17:2 above) See Revelation 6:9–11 for the souls under the altar, who had been slain or beheaded in the first group of martyrs, and Revelation 20:4, for the souls of those who would eventually join them in the end-time from the same process (pelekizo beheading)! Early Muslim conquests - Wikipedia

Thus, Mystery, Babylon who is the Mother of Harlots, represents the coupling of religion with a militaristic beast empire (i.e., the end time Islamist beast she is sitting on), while her multiple daughters’ religious branches of Quranic ideology can be found in Mosques throughout the world.

However, in order for John to see this pairing of religion with the now scarlet Islamist beast Caliphate that is now imitating its tutor, the fiery red Dragon (Rev. 12:3), John’s parenthetical vision has to take place in the wilderness (Rev. 17:3), where the woman is sitting—not only on the beast with seven heads and ten horns—but on seven mountains (Rev. 17:9), and on many waters i.e., nations, peoples, multitudes, and tongues (Rev. 17:1, 15), where she has made all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication (Rev. 14:8), i.e., the 2.02 billion Muslims living in all the nations of the world.

It is notable therefore, that John had to be taken—in the spiritto the very place in the wilderness where the beast (Islamic Caliphate), the False Prophet (Muhammad), and the Quranic ideology and Sharia Law that is intrinsic to Islam began!  Islam arose out of the Hejaz desert (Bayda), between Mecca and Medina in the 7th Century, and this is where the Great City of Mecca is located in the wilderness, among seven mountains! It is from Mecca and its multitude of daughter mosques, that the extreme ideology of Sunni Salafism and Wahhabism has been introduced to the world—via Saudi Arabia and Qatar. See  Hejaz | Mountains, Map, & Province | Britannica —Enlarge the photo of Mecca!

All blessings to the Doves,


For more information see my book… The Beast and Babylon – The Revival of Radical Islam
