Six drag queens from the WestAll unholy and unblessedNot wise men to say the very leastWith sins not confessed to God or priestIn women's clothing each one strutsTheir only camels are cigarette buttsWearing black net hose as women pretenders
Performing as male gays and transgendersCrossdressers in nun's clothingWith no evidence of self-loathingOnly out to seek mankind's and not God's favorWithout a blood washed robe from Jesus Christ, the SaviorIn no robe of fine linen white and cleanThe Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence primp and preenIndulging in performances most obsceneNothing to be watching on the TV screenBut known around the globe, the EarthFor mocking Jesus Christ's holy, virgin birthEach dressed as a robed nunLife's a drag, let's have some funOut to mock God and ChristianityReflecting Satan's pride and insanityWith no repentance and no regretThe wrath of God hasn't happened yetJudgment Day will them and others exposeAll their sins from their head to their toesAnd there ends the crossdressers' storyExposed in all its infamous, naked gloryShowing off their shameWhen their day of judgment cameNow is the time to fall down on their knees, their kneesWhile there's still time for God to hear their repentant pleas