So now that 12-22-23 has come and gone, what are we to think of dates set by the AC himself? Could it be a misdirection meant to discredit date setters and people of God in general? Because I’ve noticed even with some in my own family, the dates that come and go, are starting to wear them down.
This would also boost the idea Obama is sending out there, that no one is in control of anything. Now we are to think the hidden messages in the movie don’t mean anything as well.
The movie also tried to send us the notion that our enemies will take us down in a three step fashion. 1. Cut off communication, 2. Sow confusion and chaos, which will then lead to step 3., civil war and we will destroy ourselves.
I’m sure they are working on and planning step one soon, but step 2 is really already in play and has been for some time. This movie just feeds into that and will only grow the confusion, deception and chaos.
Also with the recent resurfacing reminder of Louis Farrakhan coming out for Trump a few years ago, we can see the attacks ramping up on the only man who isn’t afraid to speak truth in politics. They are linking him with Farrakhan and Hitler to say Trump is also an extremist in the same vein of other extremists.
So at every turn they seek to erode the little truth that’s left, as if they aren’t the true extremist. But they have been at this a long time starting with attacks on the founding fathers as also being extremists.
So who can we trust anymore? Everything and anyone has to be tested up against scripture, it’s all that matters. It is our only standard.
So this makes the biblical end times signs even more important. Let’s never get our eyes off that ball. The one thing we can and must trust is scripture alone and quite literally.
Jesus is coming in spite of the many detractors here on earth and we only need his signs to lead us to the conclusion that it will come to pass exactly as written. But we need to be careful, lest we become like the boy who cried wolf.
It’s enough to know our redemption is soon because of the massive earthquake swarms, volcanoes, roar and fury of the seas, local floodings, climate disruptions of all kinds, signs in the sun, moon and stars, protests, riots, increased hate, deception, inflation, wars and direct hatred of Israel. We need nothing else to reassure us of that fact. His words are enough.
Stay the course. Finish Strong