Chance (31 Dec 2023)
"Happy New Year 2024!"

Hello John and Doves,
I don't have high hopes for 2024 being a less dramatic and traumatic year compared to 2023.  The promised birth pangs are bringing us right up to the start of the Tribulation Period.
I started out my day, two days before New Year's Day, with this AlertsUSA text,:  "Law enforcement on high alert in major cities across the US and EU in advance of NYE (New Year's Eve) celebrations.  Caution and vigilance urged at public events."
I had thought there would be numerous terrorist attacks on or about Christmas.  What we had were the pro-Hamas/Palestinian rioters/protesters that showed up to disrupt our Christmas/Christian celebrations - tree lighting ceremonies, caroling, Christmas Eve mass - telling Christians that "Christmas is canceled" and "No Xmas as Usual".
Here are a few headlines:
 As for New Year's Eve:
Here's a couple of recent articles about this for the U.S.:
And here's articles for Europe:
So who is the world frightened of?  Who are we being warned about?  The 'same people' who attacked Israel on Oct 7.  People of Islam:  ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood (Obama's brothers), and other Islamic jihadis from Iran, Yemen, etc.
Tens of millions $$ are being spent to bolster security in various places.  To protect us from a violent group of people that Biden, the U.N. keep funding.
Why does the West put up with this?  Every year in Paris, hundreds of cars are burned by Muslims in their 'annual New Year's Eve celebration'.  Every. Year.
It's ironic that many Westerners are blaming Israel for the Hamas war and are supporting Hamas/Palestinians - while their own countries are warning them 'to be vigilant and avoid crowds' because of the very people they are celebrating and calling 'victims and heroes'.  The very people who want them dead.
There is a fine line where 'peaceful protesting' becomes bullying, harassment, intimidation and bigotry'.
I would say what we've been seeing is religious persecution.  Of Christians by the ideology of Islam.
And Biden, in November, announced his "National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia in the United States."  "The strategy, a joint effort led by the Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council, aims to create a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim "because of their race, national origin, ancestry or any other reason, from discrimination, hate, bigotry and violence," said a White House official.  The White House will be partnering with local communities on coming up with the strategy."
White House announces national strategy to combat Islamophobia | CNN Politics
While my religion, my God is being "canceled"!?
Biden/Obama and the Biden administration bow to satan.  They have no regard for Christians or their God.  
I hope and pray New Year's Eve and the celebrations will be peaceful and full of good will.  
But just in case, "be vigilant and avoid crowds."
If the Rapture doesn't happen before January 1, 202 -
May the New Year bring peace and renewal of the spirit. 
May God's light shine upon your path. 
May He guide you and renew your strength.
May your thoughts, words, and deeds be for His glory.
May you never loose sight of Him. 
May He bless you with a gentle spirit - a kind, loving and patient heart.
May He touch your life with health and happiness.
May 'Hope for Him' keep us looking up!
And may the New Year find us in Heaven.
As the Jews say, "Next year in Jerusalem!"
I will say, "Next year in Heaven!"
Wishing all Doves a most happy New Year - a year of good health and good cheer.  May 2024 be THE year of the return of Jesus THE MESSIAH.
Happy New Year, 2024!