Chance (31 Dec 2023)
"When Should Israel Start Trusting in God?"

Hello John and Doves,
re:  Jordanian MP burns Israeli flag at Arab League hall in Cairo - when is enough enough?
Jordan was one of the more moderate countries in the Middle East towards Israel and the U.S.  And today, a Jordanian MP burned an Israeli flat at the Arab League Hall in Cairo.  He is Jordan's Arab League representative.  This gives us a good idea where Jordan stands now.  And not a peep from the Arab League about condemnation from them!  This guy wasn't arrested. They don't care what Israel thinks.  Or what the world thinks.
MP Khalil Attia was filmed "burning the Israeli flag, saying, "In revenge for the people of Gaza and in revenge for the martyrs of Gaza, we burn your flag, Zionists.  MP Attia then threw the flag to the ground and stepped on it..."...right there in the hall of the League of Arab States.
Jordanian parliamentarian burns Israeli flag in Arab League hall - Teller Report
That's kind of Ironic - 'standing with the Gazan martyrs' - Palestinians are the proxy people that the Arab League are using against Israel.  Just like Ukrainians are the proxy people that the U.S. are using against Russia.
Jordan's King Abdullah has said repeatedly absolutely NO Palestinian refugees into Jordan...he's afraid they won't return to Gaza.  Primarily, without the "Palestinians" who will the Arab League use against Israel?  Without the "Palestinians" the "Palestinian cause" is eliminated.   
Neither Jordan nor Egypt want Palestinians in their countries - they want to continue to use Palestinians against Israel - to keep pushing for a 'Palestinian" state. AND, very importantly, Jordan and Egypt don't want Palestinians because it will bring militants into their countries who will use Egypt/Jordan as a base to attack Israel - shattering any peace they have with Israel.  A mass exodus from Gaza would result in Hamas and other Palestinian militants entering Jordan and Egypt - Jordan and Egypt have already had their full of these people in the past - blowing planes up on tarmacs, attempting to assassinate Jordan's king, kidnapping and killing Jordanians and Egyptians - they don't want what happened in the Kibbutz' to happen in their country too!!
Netanyahu's government is made up of 'right' wingers -  they have to watch their tongues else they risk hurting "somebodies" feelings!  And 'risking Israel's national security'.  Israel is in the Hands of God. Nothing will happen without God.  
One member of the 'more extreme' Otzma Yehudit party said that "dropping a nuclear bomb in Gaza was "one way" to bring an end to the war."  And in response to Muslims saying 'from the river to the sea', he replied with Gazans "could go to Ireland or deserts and should find a solution by themselves."  And then the rabbi of an IDF brigade base said of this war in Gaza - "has been the happiest of my life because it has justified not only the reconquest of Gaza, but also the seizure of Lebanon, which he claimed was part of Biblical Israel.  His statement, which prompted applause and cheers from the soldiers in his audience, no doubt is also much to Hassan Nasrallah's ears.  They provide Hezbollah's leaders even more of an excuse to open a second major front on Israel's northern border." 
Extremists in the Israeli government are hurting the Jewish State | The Hill

Israel has always lost the war 'for the international public' and the U.N. is always perpetually 'condemning' Israel for whatever offenses they can find.  Every time Israel starts winning in a war - the U.S. and "international community" demand a ceasefire.  And Israel isn't allowed to clean up the mess to be pro-active.  And the cycle is on a never ending loop. The Arabs and Palestinians want the Jews gone and Israel annihilated.  So stop already with the 'if we only do this, we'll be accepted, and we'll get help' and 'we'll win the war against Hamas'.  Yah, right - there is some land in Florida and a bridge somewhere for you dreamers!
And I found this line in this article very prophetic:  "If Netanyahu fails to clamp down on his extremist government partners, and the military leadership cannot silence its out-of-line officers, Israel may find that it has alienated even its closest friend to the point that all outside support will disappear."  (That is prophetic!)  What the Left in Israel does not understand or is in denial about is that Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Arab League, Iran, etc. are biting at the bit for the destruction of Israel and death of all Jews.  They are united in that cause. So placating them is only 'temporary' - VERY temporary and it's seen as weakness and submission.
And for the Israelis that believe that Israel "desperately needs that support (from the West) if it is ever to see the hostages alive, and if it is to permanently weaken, if not destroy, its two sworn Gaza enemies, Hamas and Islamic Jihad"  - that's an unrealistic dream - just like the dream of a 'two state solution'. 
Iran, the U.N., the U.S. will not allow Israel to destroy or permanently weaken Hamas in Gaza. As for getting the hostages back alive...those hostages, if still alive, face an uncertain future no matter what Israel does.   And the U.N., the E.U., the U.S. will not stand with Israel when the rubber hits the road.  So don't count on 'that support'. They hate Israel.
God put Netanyahu and his 'extremist government partners' in political power in Israel.  Let the chips fall where they may.  Stop kowtowing to the enemy.  Start believing in God's promises.  This government needs to trust the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  They have His promise - believe it!
In response to the Jordanian MP burning the Israeli flag, an Israeli member of The Jewish Truth...was going to burn the Jordanian flag in Jerusalem's Damascus Gate - "Our silence is over."  He was arrested before he could burn the thing.  The Jerusalem Post referred to him as an "Israeli far-right activist".
Israeli arrested for burning flag in response to Arab League lawmaker
So why was this man arrested for attempting to burn a Jordanian flag?  It's not illegal to burn flags in Israel - Muslims burn the Israeli flag all the time.  Or is that just more placating and appeasing an Arab nation?   Do the police think Jordan would have attacked Israel?  Do they think the Arab League will now arrest that MP?  Not likely.  It's just more walking on eggshells to prevent the 'inevitable'. 
Every action taken in Israel, every spoken word - is weighed in the balance.  It's not like Jordanians don't have a history of burning Israeli flags.  Everything is weighed because  - anything can risk "Israel's security".  So they can't 'rock the boat' or stand up to be pro-active against terrorism on their soil.  This is a terrible burden for a people, for a country to bear.  Every comment, every action is weighed on the world stage - and most of the world is looking for any reason to, yet again, condemn Israel.  Israel is trying to get a balance between protecting herself and kowtowing to 'international public opinion'.  Is it possible for Israel to protect herself without alienating other governments, the international community?  No, it is not.  It's NEVER worked for Israel.  Isn't that the definition of stupid?  Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?
  Anti-Israel protesters burn flags, fight police in global 'day of jihad'
The police and whoever controls the police are kowtowing to their Arab enemy.  No wonder things are such a mess over there.  There is the Left that wants to appease and surrender to the Arabs thinking this will 'make things better for Israel', probably hoping the Arabs will allow them to live on a little sliver of land in the middle of the Red Sea and then there are the Right who want to stand up and fight.  Who believes in the promises of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
There are too many Jews in Israel unwilling to trust God.  God's promise of the land of Israel is to the nation of Israel.  Do not sell Israel out for a false hope.  Netanyahu's government has people who trust God - yet, they fight against those who have no such faith.  So for now, Israel's government is divided and weak.  Netanyahu was placed as Prime Minister for a reason.  Will Netanyahu lead Israel in the days up to the Tribulation?  There is much prophecy yet to be fulfilled.
Will the Israeli Left accept an Islamic Mahdi to bring peace to the Middle East, to Israel?  IF the Antichrist is the Mahdi - these people will accept him - more placating and appeasing the Muslims.  They are use to doing that - they have a history of doing that.  Would they go that far for peace??  I'm guessing they would....they will accept him and accept his capital in Jerusalem.  No price is too high to pay for 'peace and security'.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!