Chance (31 Dec 2023)
"Article in the New York Times:  "Screams Without Words""

Hello John and Doves,  
re:  NYT:  'Screams Without Words':  How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7
This article comes with a warning for graphic violence against women.  This angers me beyond words.
Those misguided fools supporting Hamas/Palestinians with their protests around the world and in OUR country - have no idea of the evil THOSE people are capable of. 
These pro-Hamas/Palestinian protesters have twisted the celebration of the birth 'of the Savior of the world' into an evil connection to a violent and brutal population that is hell bent on the death of all Jews...and ultimately, all Christians.  Demanding we not celebrate the birth of Christ until "Palestine is liberated" - makes a mockery of one of our Holiest Days and shows their lack of respect for Christianity and their 'from the river to the sea' (directly from the Hamas charter) means the annihilation of Israel and death of all the Jews.
'From the river to the sea'- is in the Hamas Charter - where its states that the land is occupied by a people that needs to be violently removed.  As 'violence is the preferred form of resistance.'
We, in the West, do not understand this kind of brutality - and people are denying this attack on Oct 7 actually happened because they can't comprehend this level of hate.  Well - with Hamas networks all over the West - it's just a matter of time until this starts happening in America.  Then I wonder what these misguided minions will say?  If they still deny it - I say turn them over to Hamas and let the games begin.
This wasn't just one woman - this wasn't just one occurrence - this was many and multiple and planned.  And AOC and the Muslim women in Congress should be kicked out of Congress and deported.  To Gaza!
Every adult should know what happened that day - to know what Israel is facing and what Palestinians are capable of - and because Islam is coming after the West. too.  Israel is the little Satan and the U.S. is the big Satan.  Israel is taking the brunt of this now.  And 'the brunt of this' is ugly beyond words.
This is what Israel has been dealing with since 1948.  No country, no people should ever have to deal with slaughter and butchery.  This is horror beyond all words and can only be perpetrated by satanic minions of Hell.
This article comes with a warning of graphic horrors perpetrated on innocent civilians.  THESE are the innocents of this war - not Palestinians.  I have no sympathy or hold no place for hate.
God saw what THEY did.  He is dealing with them and will bring all to justice.
‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 – DNyuz
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!